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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Whatcha doin'?" queries Miss Kaplan, approaching a distant table where Joe is seated alone surrounded by small stacks of index cards. "Why ain'cha sitt'n oveh t'eh wit' us? Mozelewski's breat' finally gett'n to ya?" "Do you eveh mind y' own business?" growls Joe. "G'wan lemme 'lone, I'm woikin' on sump'n heeh." "Lemme see," demands Miss Kaplan, snatching up one of the cards. "Oh!" she gasps, examining its contents. "Wow, t'at's..." "I said leemee alone!," snaps Joe, snatching back the card. "T'at's f' Sal!" "So I figyehed," nods Miss Kaplan. "You betteh not put t'at inna mail, y'know, b'cause..." "I got no intentions 'a putt'nat inna mail!" growls Joe. "It's sump'n else." He exhales, seeing no escape as Miss Kaplan gapes expectantly. "I'm writin' up t'ese -- lit'l notes heeh, see, an' I'm gonna hide 'em aroun' places wheh Sal's gonna find'm. You know, while I'm inna Awrmy. Y'know? T' -- well, t'remind 'eh." "Awwww," sighs Miss Kaplan, "t'ats right outa True Romances." "Yeh," frowns Joe. "Well, what's t'ese heeh ones," snickers Miss Kaplan. "Y'gotta goilfrien'?" "Gawdawmighty," eyerolls Joe. "T'eh ain' no stoppin' you, izzeh? T'em ones t'eh is f' Leonoreh. She c'n read a lit'l, y'know, ain' even t'ree yet an awlready she's read'n, so I t'ought I'd leave a few f'heh 'roun' places she c'n get to, y'know, remind 'eh she got a pa t'at's t'inkin' of 'eh." "Ah," nods Miss Kaplan, her eyes softening. "Well, what about t'ese heeh?" "T'em," explains Joe, "is f' me Ma. Well, not me real Ma, I ain' got one'a t'em, but me mot'eh-in-lawr, runs a canny stoeh out'n Flatbush. I'm gonna go oveh t'eh an' stick a few a' t'ese aroun', y'know, t' cheehr'eh up. Heh son's inna Goiman prison camp, see, an' she worries. I don' want she should worry 'bout me, too. An' I gotta couple heeh f'me Uncle Frank, he's kinda me -- well, fawrteh-in-lawr, I got a few t'ings t'say t'him too, 'bout diffr'nt stuff." "Got ev'rybody covehed, huh?" replies Miss Kaplan. "What about t'ese heeh?" "T'em awr---" hesitates Joe, "well, t'em ones t'eh is f' Stella." "Who's Stella?" puzzles Miss Kaplan. "Oueh cat," sighs Joe. "Stella t' Cat. She's gonna miss me too." "An' t' t'ink," marvels Miss Kaplan, "you awr goin' inna Awrmy." "Yeh," sighs Joe, gazing at the cards. "Gawdhelpya," shrugs Miss Kaplan. "I ain' leavin' YOU no cawrds," snaps Joe at her retreating back.)

Preliminary reports today from Pearl Harbor indicated that Eniwetok Atoll, next major Japanese base on the central Pacific between Truk and Tokio, was blasted into uselessness last weekend in one of the most prolonged assaults ever made by American carrier-based planes. Naval experts believed that the attacks foreshadow an imminent invasion thrust against Eniwetok. The six separate raids striking the base over Saturday and Sunday met neither fighter nor anti-aircraft opposition, indicating that a knockout blow had been scored.

A delayed report from Italy indicated today that four and a half hours of shelling by a U. S. cruiser nicknamed "the Mighty B" last week destroyed nine separate targets north of Anzio on February 6th, targets ranging from artillery sections to communication stations to ammunition dumps. The ship is reported to have fired seventeen salvos over the course of the attack, as German artillery shells splashed harmlessly in the water.

Finland has sent out peace feelers to the Soviet Union, it is reported from Stockholm, where it was indicated by well-informed Finnish sources that it was possible that a Finnish and Russian representative may have already met to discuss the terms of Finland's withdrawal from its alliance with Nazi Germany. It is believed that some third party, either an American or a Swedish official, acted as an intermediary to establish contact between the Finns and the Soviets. Reports quoting informed sources in London suggest that the minimum acceptable peace terms for the Russians would be an agreement by Finland to return to the post-Winter War 1940 borders, with only a slight adjustment in Russia's favor, along with occupation of all major Finnish towns with Finnish administration maintained, and removal from the Finnish cabinet of "anti-Soviet" members.


("I neveh knew none'a t'em guys," shrugs Alice. "Why wouldja?" chuckles Sally. "T'at's a pretty rough bunch." "Well, I neveh actually met none'f'm," continues Alice, "but when I was drivin' a truck f'y' Uncle Frank, we useta d'liveh t't's canny stoeh in Brownsville, y'know? Jernt cawlt 'Midnight Rose's.' run by t'is nice ol' lady t'ey cawlt, y'know, Midnight Rose. T'ey useta say some'a t'em guys useta hang aroun'eh, but I steehed cleeh." "How oft'n's a place like t'at need plumbin' s'plies?" queries Sally. "Oh," shrugs Alice. "Y'd be s'prised." "MIdnight Rose's," muses Sally. "In Brownsville. Hey! Izzat on Livonia Aveneh? 'Craws' fr'm t' L pillehs?" "Yeh," nods Alice. "Least it was, I don't t'ink it's t'eh no moeh." "Well," continues Sally, "y'know t'at movie t'eateh right acrawst'a street t'eh? T' People's T'eateh? Well, I went t'eh a coupla times meself! T'ey useta show ya Russian pitchehs, y'know, y'foreign pitchehs an'stuff, an' when I got tiehd a'lookin' at Hoist newsreels an' awlat, me'n Joe'd go out t'eh an' take in some, you know, culcheh. One time we went'a see t'is pitcheh 'bout t'is American gal, she had a colehed baby an' got run outta wheh she was livin'. So she goes t'Russia an' jerns t' coicus! It was awl in Russian, but, you know, t'ey hadda woids onna bott'm'a t' screen. Had t'is one sawng in it, "Wide is Me Mot'ehland!' Real catchy numbeh. Joe was whistlin' it f'yeehs afteh t'at! I got sick of it t'ough, an' tol' 'im t'stawp." "Howcome?" queries Alice. "When I was carryin' Leonoreh," chuckles Sally, "he whistled it to me oncet too oft'n. An' t'tink while we was inneh wawtchin'at pitcheh, awlese gangstehs was right t'eh crawsta street. Moideh f' Money!" "Y'gotta watch out in canny stoehs," nods Alice. "Well, um, most'v'm.")

When sending V-Mail to your soldier overseas, there's a lot of things you should avoid. Don't sign your letter with a lipstick print -- it will blur the reproduction when your letter is converted to microfilm. And don't enclose newspaper clippings, photographs, or razor blades -- none of which can be processed thru the V-Mail system and cause the whole letter to be rerouted thru the regular mail system, possibly delaying your letter by months. Don't let your letter go on for more than a single page, always use special V-Mail stationery, and always use dark black ink. Several manufacturers now sell special "V-Mail Black" formulations of ink, but any good solid black ink will do. Never write your letter in pencil or colored ink -- it will not photograph properly, and if you make an error in the letter, don't try to remove it by scratching a hole in the paper. Start over again on a new, clean page. If you read the simple rules printed on the back of every V-Mail form, you'll be sure your letter will reach your husband, father, or son on time, just as you wrote it.


(Ahem. Insurance statistics in 1944, as today, indicate that the majority of auto accidents are caused by male drivers. Just thought I'd point that out.)


(Dixie Walker -- in 1A? Well, his gimpy knees and his weak back never stopped him from square dancing. And don't even think about trying to buy out the Mulveys -- they'll hold their Dodger stock until 1975.)

The Dodgers will celebrate the return of night baseball to Ebbets Field this summer with something new along the sartorial line. The Flock will take the field for their fourteen scheduled arc-light games dressed in new uniforms made of shiny white silk accented by bright blue satin stripes, lettering, socks, and caps.


(What, you couldn't get Bergman and Henried?)


("All the months it took to grow this moustache! AND FOR WHAT??")


("Speaking in tongues? Well, that's OK as long as they didn't bring any snakes.")








Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Whatever he did, or didn't do, aside -- I don't remember Flynn being openly sneered at like this. Well, other than by me.


"Heh," snickers Uncle Frank. "He probably kept crashing into the headboard." "You're disgraceful," frowns Ma, snapping her cleaning rag in disgust before breaking out in ringing laughter.


Honestly, I don't care what you do, as long as you don't kill a little dog and steal his sweater.


"St. Loueeeee woman...with her di-a-mond rings..."


"Yeah, and you're just like my last boyfriend, the louse..."


Psst, Nina -- did Skeez ever tell you how he begged Uncle Walt to send him to this particular military school because Trixie was going to a girls' boarding school just over the hill? He DIDN'T??


That's right, Tilda -- STIR THE POT.


"Rump Plushbottom." Hey, I like the sound of that.


Ahh, it's good to be home.


Mr. Gray really loves editors now. HE REALLY DOES.


One Too Many
St John's Wood, London UK
The Arabian face veil beneath a woman's eyes drives me libido bollocks, and Mr Caniff has this pegged exactly sure.
Now our lad must consort with this comely lass.

I noticed the sheets mention of all the girls 13-20 lost and reported missing in NYC during the war. This sent shivers
for its terrible horror yet I assume these disappearances had more due Cupid than crime. At least I dearly hope.
I say the Fleet Street fish and chips are always splashed vinegar what.


Practically Family
Concerning the mention of Skeezix attending military school:
I happened to find and buy at an antique store one of those "Little Big Books" (or "Big Little Books"?) - the ones about an inch and a half thick and only 3 x 4 inches wide and tall.
"Skeezix at Military School".
Well done as usual. One great chapter involved he and his room-mate feeling lonely, so they think they need a pet - against the rules, of course...
That chapter is named "Cat Smuggling" where they hoist the kitty up using a rope to get her into their room.
Many other military school activities and pranks...
If you ever see that book, buy it...


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Whatta lotta noive," fumes Alice. "A gal c'n woik nine, ten houehs a day'na fact'ry, a gal c'n jern'a Awrmy ann'a Navy ann'a Marines, an' now t'ey wanna say a gal can't go inna bawr? I'd like t'see t'fathed t'at c'n stawp me!" "Neh, no bawrs f'me," shrugs Sally. "Y'go inneh an' it takes two days t'get t'smell awff. Gets in ya haieh, awnya cloes, awl oveh yeh." "I neveh noticed," counters Alice. "I did," replies Sally with sidled eyes. "I uset'a love goin' inna Ol' Reliable t'eh," recalls Alice. "T'fellehs inneh awrways treated me like, whatchcawl, a lady. Awrways held out t'stool f'awr me t'sit down. But t'at rat Hig roon't tat. I can't go inneh no moeh, people whispehr'n pernt." Sally nods. "Funny how t'woid got out 'bout t'at whole t'ing wit' t' pot roast," she observes. "Well, I dunno," shrugs Alice. "I mean, wit't'meat shawrtage'nawl, I mean, people gonna tawk. But I don' go in no moeh bawrs, really, Siddy ain'a drinkin' man, 'cep' f' Rheingold. An' I on'y t'ink he does t'at b'cause a' t' ads." "Miss Rhiengold," snickers Sally. "Well, no," replies Alice. "Durocheh." "No account'n f'taste," sighs Sally. "Aw, I unnehstan' it," declares Alice. "It's natcheral. Siddy likes t'see anot'eh bawl-headed guy doin' good.")

The Allied seizure of the Green Islands, off the northern tip of Bougainville, was announced today, completing the conquest of the Solomons by American and New Zealand troops. Twenty-two thousand Japanese soldiers remaining on those islands now face the choice of surrender or death. "For all strategic and military purposes," declared an Allied commuique today, "this completes the campaign for the Solomons." The communique further noted that, for the Japanese troops remaining on the islands, "starvation and disease, to ensue from the military blockade, renders their situation hopeless."


(There's A New World Coming...)

A total of 2430 new complaints of no heat in apartment buildings sent an expanded force of Health Department inspectors out around the city to investigate, even as City Fuel Administrator Edwin Salmon
struggled with the immediate problem of keeping the emergency coal dumps operating. Mild weather yesterday, with the mercury hitting a high of 47 for the day, failed to halt the deluge of complaints. Officials and coal dealers alike expressed surprise at the new wave of complaints, having expected that the coal situation in the city would have been eased somewhat by the additional mine production of 160,000 tons reported last Sunday.


("Now lissen heeh, honey," says Joe, holding Leonora on his lap. "T'is is some serious stuff I'm gonna tell ya heeh." "Read papeh," protests Leonora. "Fuhbee eye." she pronounces. "What's Fuhbee eye?" "T'at means F B I," explains Joe. "Y'know, G-Men." "Oh," nods Leonora. "Geemen. What's geemen." "Well," continues Joe, "t'eh like cawps, kinda. You know Flannehry t' cawp? You seen him. Well, G-Men is like t'at, c'ept'ey don' weah no unifawrm." "Baeh naked cawps!" gawps Leonora. "Oh oh!" "No no no," interrupts Joe. "T'ey got clo'es on, 'cept t'eh plain cloe's." "Airplane!" claps Leonora. "RRRRRRRROOOOOOW!" "No, no," flusters Joe, "neveh mind none 'bout t'G-Men. I dowanna tawk about no G-Men. See, ya pa is gonna be goin' away soon. Y'know?" "Go 'way," nods Leonora, before adding,"come back." "E'zackly," nods Joe. "I'm gonna go 'way, but I'm awlso gonna come back." "Go see g'amma?" questions Leonora. "Gonna count nickl's!" "No, no," explains Joe. "I don' 'zackly know WHEH I'm gonna go. Well, Camp Upton f'ra while, I guess, but afteh t'at I gotta go wheh Uncle Sam tells me." "Unca Sam?" puzzles Leonora. "Unca Jimmy, UncaDanny, Unca Hops..." ""No, no -- you ain' got no Uncle Hops, I'm gonna tawkta ya gramma 'bout t'at! Uncle Sam is -- well, ya Uncle Sam is like ev'rybody's uncle, see? An' when he needs ya t'help 'im out, you gotta do it, 'cause he's ya Uncle, right?" "He'pm out," agrees Leonora. "An'nat might mean," continue Joe, "t'at I gotta go fawr'away." "Go city?" queries Leonora. "Well, maybe t'catch t'bus," nods Joe. "Tell ya what, when I go t'catch t'bus, you gonna come right along witcha Ma an' ev'rybody, an' I'll wave to ya. Okay?" "I go too?" queries Leonora. "I go onna bus too?" "No," notes Joe. "An' gawdwillin' y'll neveh hafta.")

A nineteen year old youth exempted from military duty by a punctured eardrum was in no way handicapped by his 4-F status when it came to crime. Salvatore Nunziiata of 140 Powers Street pleaded guilty yesterday in Kings County Court to unlawful entry, with Judge Peter Brancato noting that so many 4-Fs with such excuses for avoiding the service are "1-A at running up stairs, skipping over roofs, breaking into homes, and running away from police." Judge Brancato acknowledged his views on the matter might be influenced by the fact that his own son, who just turned 17, expects to be in the armed forces within a few weeks.

The Eagle Editorialist acknowledges that the Republican Party, going into this summer's convention, has yet to produce a candidate for the presidential nomination who would offer any particular improvement over President Roosevelt, noting that even Governor Dewey, presenting the role of an aloof candidate wholly committed to his present job, offers only "negative appeal" as a reason to vote for him over President Roosevelt, who appears headed for "a fairly serene approach to an unprecedented nomination for a fourth term." The EE adds that whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be, over the past eleven years the GOP has had "no notable success in its efforts to devise practical improvements upon the Administration's way of doing things."


("Faster than a speeding bullet!")


(Hey, if Leo can still get down on his knees to shoot craps with the troops, there's no reason he can't play a few innings at shortstop!)


(Did they teach you to be a classist dink in OCS or did you pick it up at the Officers Club?)


(I expect xenophobia from Jo, but George has always been open-minded.)


(When Tubby does play Monopoly, he always has the little sports car.)


(Unfortunately, like so many other vital military secrets, the super-soldier formula got lost in the mail. Oh well.)




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"A former Pelham Manor tennis champion and cafe society ornament." Page Four always gives us exactly what we need to know.


It's been my observation that "radio philosophers" are the loneliest, most unhappy people in the world. Who wants to get up at 3:30 in the morning???


"*sigh* I'll get the iodine..."


A FINE HIRED KILLER has very rigid social standards.


Three hots and a cot, what more do you want?


"Enough of this kid stuff, let's make it interesting. Penny a point?"


Better make sure he takes his blood test first. You know how these officers are.


C'mon, you know he'll never get it without the vocal chorus.


Haaaaaaasn't changed a bit.


Teach him everything you know, kid, and he'll get along fine.
New York City
The bombing of the Monte Cassino Monastery noted on page one of the Eagle is depicted in the 1945 movie "The Story of GI Joe."

The feelings of the troops in that movie are summed up by this terse line of dialogue from one of the pinned down soldiers, "I'm a Catholic and I say bomb it."


One Too Many
St John's Wood, London UK
The bombing of the Monte Cassino Monastery noted on page one of the Eagle is depicted in the 1945 movie "The Story of GI Joe."

The feelings of the troops in that movie are summed up by this terse line of dialogue from one of the pinned down soldiers, "I'm a Catholic and I say bomb it."
Robert Mitchum's doomed character like the real Ernie Pyle, portrayed by Burgess Meredith, met Death head on with a final directorial scene bow to his gallantry that is nothing less than epic cinematography.


Familiar Face
Connecticut USA
An article in yesterday‘s Guardian suggests that the destruction of the monastery and death of civilians could have been avoided if the Vatican had taken action to enforce the neutral zone around it.



One Too Many
St John's Wood, London UK
An article in yesterday‘s Guardian suggests that the destruction of the monastery and death of civilians could have been avoided if the Vatican had taken action to enforce the neutral zone around it.
The article essentially implies monastery Benedictines held proctorship over the site; or that the Vatican Secretariat of State failed due dilligence upon notice Wermacht trespass perimeter neutrality.
While I cannot dismiss this as all mere gossamer, it remains inconclusive because the entire record is missing,
that spake and writ, and probably lost forever. The diplomatic effort if it occurred is elusive subscript bereft easy trace.
Then again, Second World War exigency when time essentially called the coin. A wild goose chase but suffice another cheap crack aimed the Roman Catholic Church during reign of Pius XII.


One Too Many
St John's Wood, London UK
I noticed but failed mention the Flying Tigers circular crest sewn Terrence's A2 jacket. More visibly seen front depicted
here to stunning effect. He ought to be out looking for women. When I was his age I couldn't concentrate on anything
but girls. Terrence should pop in that cafe with the harem girl songstress and start seduction operational preparation.
Caniff seems same page.;):p:D


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

('Magine'at," snickers Alice. "Uncle Hitleh. T'at pooeh guy." "Pardon me," interrupts Mildred Kelly, bustling up to the lunch table with her clipboard in hand. "Sally. I just heard your Joe is FINALLY going in the service, you must be SO proud!" "Yeh," shrugs Sally, squinching up her forehead to keep her eyes from rolling. "I just wanted to say, dear," continues Mildred, "I just wanted to say, if he gets in any trouble in camp, any trouble at all, he should ask for my husband Bud, Lieutenant Kelly that is, he's an officer you know, and I'm sure he'd be happy to help. Oh I know how hard it must be for you, honey, and if there's any thing I can do, anything I can do at ALL, you just be sure to come to me." "Yeh," exhales Sally. "Oh, and one more thing," chatters Mildred, "I did need to say that that last batch that came thru your line, the cathode connections were .0001 out of specifications. Are you having trouble with your glasses, dear? You let me know if you need to make an appointment with the oculist, I'm sure we could find a way to spare you. Remember -- Lieutenant Kelly! Thanks so!" Sally scowls as Mildred scuttles off. "'Lieutenant Kelly,'" she sneers in a mocking voice. "Bet he's one'a t'em SECON' lieutenants," snorts Alice.")

Representatives of the anthracite industry and the United Mine Workers were expected today to report to Solid Fuels Administrator Harold L. Ickes in Washington on the results of a conference they held on disputed phases of the War Labor Board's decision on pay and working conditions for miners. Following a lengthy discussion yesterday in the office of Anthracite Industries in Manhattan, a joint statement was issued declaring that "no decisions were arrived at" on the several points in dispute, mostly involving wages. Miners are calling for $68 per 56 hour week, including overtime, while mine operators are insisting on $56. Both sides claim the WLB order supports their position.

The "Peace Now" movement, which calls for a negotiated peace with Nazi Germany and Japan, has been accused of sedition verging on treason by the Dies Committee, and Chairman Martin Dies (D-Texas) has asked the Justice Department to formally open a sedition investigation against the organizationon. Rep. Dies did not specify the leaders in the movement who would be investigated by such a probe, but he did call for deportation proceedings against 32-year-old John Albert Collett, a Norwegian identified as a key figure in the organization.


("I tell ya one thing," sighs Joe. "I ain' gonna miss T'IS. Soon's ya get useta one t'ing, t'ey come out wit' sump'n else." "No rationin' inna Awrmy," declares Miss Kaplan. "Butcha betteh like cawrn beef. T'at's pretty much awlya gonna get. I seen it in a moom pitcheh." "Ahh, you don' know nut'n," scoffs Mozelewski. "T'ey got some pretty swell cooks inna Awrmy. I seen'AT inna moom pitcheh." "Well," snorts Miss Kaplan, "I seen it in a BETTEH moom pitcheh t'en t'one YOU sawr." "Oh yeh?" retorts Mozelewski. "YEH!" roars Miss Kaplan. "I seen T'IS moom pitcheh," snickers Joe. "What Price Glawry!")


("Bread eleven cents'a loof!" clucks Ma. "Nevarr thoot Oi'd live t'see t'day." She looks up as the doorbell jingles and the door swings open. "Mistarr Krause!" she greets. "Weell now, what brings ye ovarr?" "Frank aroun'?" Krause queries. "Need some pipe fitt'ns." "Oh, Francis is oot t' th' Flatlan's t'day," replies Ma. "Ooot t'his -- ah -- waarehoose." "Oh yeh," nods Krause. "Alice tol' me 'bout t'at." "She did, did she," frowns Ma. "Guy's gotteh make a livin'," shrugs Krause. "Oh yeh," he continues, smoothly shifting the subject. "Willie home fr'm school yet? 'Long as I'm oveh heeh I t'ought I'd go oveh t't' Devoe stoeh, look at paint. T'ought he might wanna come 'long 'n help out." "I'm sure he'd enjoy thaaat very mooch," beams Ma. They are interrupted again as the door jingles open to admit Hops Gaffney. "Jus' a minute, you," interjects Krause, as the Hopper tosses his pouch on the counter. Ma freezes, a bead of sweat appearing on her forehead. "Yeh?" queries Hops, his teeth clenching on his toothpick. "Too late f'me t'get down a bet?" inquires Krause. "Yeh," he adds, glancing at Ma. "Alice tol' me 'bout t'at, too.")

The Eagle Editorialist calls on city officials, especially Mayor LaGuardia and Parks Commissioner Moses, to clarify once and for all the matter of a proposed Brooklyn Civic Center. The EE notes that any effort to place the blame for the present confusion surrounding the size and scope of such a project on Borough President Cashmore is misplaced, with Mr. Cashmore, like all Brooklyn citizens, well aware of both the need for such a project and of the type of new public facilities it should contain. "It is therefore disconcerting," declares the EE, "to discover that red tape, centralized governmental control from Manhattan, and other factors threaten to sidetrack the Civic Center."


("Of course, it WOULD need to be a little bigger than this closet...")

A fourteen year old boy from Forest Hills is on his way home after his mother, with help from the Missing Persons Bureau, tracked him to Fort Dix, N. J., where he had enlisted in the Army under a false name and age. Army officials were surprised to learn that husky Private Alfred Rauch was in fact schoolboy Alfred Rauchmann. The youth will be sent back to Queens as soon as his discharge is processed.


("FAT FITZ?? Thanks for the compliment, ONE ARM!")


(Alligator pumps? In Elm City????)


(Well, it's a too-convincing disguise for Oakdale.)


(Never mind idiot-boy, let's have a story about the puppy!)


(If I could become invisible at will, the one place I would ALWAYS do it would be on this train.)


("Ooops, shouldn't have spit up on the carpet...")


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Next week on "We The People" -- Hiccup Girl!


Sorry, cat not included.


By now, wouldn't the roof be the first place he'd look?


Hey Phyllis, what about that mysterious "husband" you had before Walt?


Careful, Mr. Gray.


"And besides, you promised you'd get a job!"


"Well he BETTER be -- that was our whole meat ration for the week!"


"And you with your musical-comedy haircut and your draw-on moustache!"




It's not the shirt they want.

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