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- New York City
Faced with a critical shortage of asphalt for highway repairs in Queens, Borough President James A. Burke today appealed to the people of that borough to use their furnace ashes to fill dangerous holes in the streets. Burke pointed out that the limited supply of asphalt available will have to be used for the repair of the more heavily trafficked thoroughfares, and none can be spared for the maintenance of side streets. “We must use every means to overcome the difficulties brought about by the present emergency,” Burke declared, “and the home owners of the borough can help by using their furnace ashes to fill the existing holes until there is sufficient material to do the job properly.
Can't they use antique Belgian paving stones?
The Germans may be sending some of their submarines into waters far from the North Atlantic in an effort to divert Allied escort strength from the vital convoy routes to Britain, Russia, and North Africa. That possibility was suggested today by the appearance of an enemy submarine in the Caribbean area for the first time in more than three months. A small Honduran merchant ship was sunk there earlier this month. Why a submarine should be operating in the Caribbean at a time whe the main hunting ground appears to be in the North Atlantic aroused speculation over the possibility that the enemy was making feinting thrusts.
"That's why it's important that we blow up as many enemy submarines as possible."
- Noted sub-sinker Sandy
(Good ol’ “Wasp Waisted Whit.”)
That's a better moniker than "baldish pitching ace."
"He's too sensitive about his hairline." - FF
"Now now Dear, everybody is sensitive about something." - Mrs. FF
(“It hardly suits her proportions.” MEOW)
The most vicious comments I've ever heard made about women have been made by other women, but in this case, Scarlett should get a pass as Hippy did try to drown her in a iced-over lake.
(Horsemeat? Good enough for that bunch of old nags!)
"Wouldn't it be a shame if America's self-proclaimed 'Number One Hero Dog' is arrested for transporting blackmarket goods."
And in the Daily News…
OPA PLOTS DEATH OF ALL. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to lay out headlines.
I've seen it in the industry I work in, regulators prefer a few large companies to regulate rather than a large number of small ones. I don't know if this 1943 charge is true, but the bias rings true. Plus, "regulatory capture" happens when the big firms, not the small ones, get the regulators' ear.
Rarified Sutton Place has been a hotbed of scandal lately. First a prostitution ring is found operating right out of one of its fancy buildings and now a model and an interior decorator (who is probably cranky since he's only recently been made eligible for the draft) are fighting over the payment on an oil painting. What's next, dice games in the servants' quarters?
Rayon stockings must dry completely before they can be worn or they explode into runs. WAR IS HELL.
In my life, nothing went from being something "almost everyone does" to something "almost no one does" in a shorter period of time than the wearing of stockings by women.
It seems like a switch was thrown in the late 1990s and then everyone changed her behavior at once. The reverse happened with tattoos. It was a niche market until, one day, it went mainstream.
Based on the women I dated, I think the reason stocking disappeared is that women hated buying, wearing and washing stockings, so once the Overton window opened a crack, everyone pushed through at the same time.
Joan and the priest are right there. They just have to change the first name on the license and then they're good to go.