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- New York City
...The Amen Office will continue its operations for another six months, following a conference between Assistant Attorney General John T. Amen and Mayor LaGuardia yesterday. With funding secured, Mr. Amen announced that trials of two police lieutenants accused of complicity in the bail bond racket will take place within the next two weeks.....
...The city's economy campaign has forced the cancellation of one of Brooklyn's most popular traditions, with the annual Washington's Birthday parade of old-time volunteer fireman of the City of Brooklyn having been called off for the first time since the tradition began forty-eight years ago. In the past, the Kings County Volunteer Firemen's Association, which sponsors the parade, has received a $1500 appropriation from the city to hire bands for the event and to cover the cost of transporting equipment, but this year, the Board of Estimate declined to authorize the funds, and an appeal to Mayor LaGuardia was unsuccessful....
Budgets always have limits, glad he spent the money on the Amen Office first.
...The Mayor is calling on New York housewives to buy Grade B milk, noting that such a move away from Grade A milk could save city consumers a total of $4,000,000 a year. In a broadcast over WNYC, the Mayor argued that the Board of Health ensures that Grade B milk is as healthy and as wholesome as Grade A, and there is no reason why consumers should pay a five-cent-a-quart premium for a label he denounced as "a deluxe moneymaker established by high-pressure propaganda."....
What is the actual difference between the two grades?
...A Manhattan realtor is calling for a ten percent across-the-board pay cut for all teachers in the city, arguing that the average teacher salary is higher than it was in 1929, and that more than 75 percent of teachers are earning over $3000 a year. J. Newman Carey, vice president of the Midtown Real Estate Association, made his recommendation in a letter to H. C. Turner, chairman of the finance committee of the Board of Education.....
$3000 = ~$55,000 in 2020 dollars, but the real question is benefits as, at least in the NYC area, teachers have very good healthcare and retirement benefits that greatly exceed what most in the private sector have. Hence, salary-to-salary comparisons don't tell the full story on teacher pay. But I'm guessing most of those very good benefit gains for teachers came well after 1940.
Having, as noted, had it, it's not at all that bad. But I'll bet some of those greasy spoon meals from the day are a different story and might have called for some Phillips'.
I've been bumming since seeing yesterday how much better the larger '20s comics illustrations were - we wouldn't be trying to figure out what HO's coat is if we had '20s-level comic illustration quality.
I know you're going Vaudeville while my call is the oldest profession, but in truth, she'd be revisiting that list of wealthy society boys she snubbed as potential husbands when she thought she was the apotheosis of society debs. Several movies of the era had that as a plot or sub plot - it's a good humbling moment in a movie.
And her husband Count Oleg Cassini is one and the same with the famous fashion designer. Oh, and in checking that out, I also stumbled on this little fact: Our Merry Fahrney had a total of eight husbands before it was all over (Oleg was #4 - she was only half way there with him). Hope her fortune held up through all those divorces.
...The formidable lady in the fourth panel is none other than Mama DeStross, Uncle Bim's mother-in-law. Y'see, in 1933, Bim fell in love with and married one Millie DeStross, a fluffy round-eyed innocent half his age, and Mama immediately realized that her ship had at last come in. She moved in with the newlyweds, to ensure that fortune hunters kept far far away from her, uh, Bim and Millie's money -- and suspects poor Cousin Baby of being exactly such a manipulator, out for a big slice of the family purse. Despite efforts by Bim to keep the facts from her, she has now learned of the shoplifting case, and she is ready to move in for the kill. She hates Andy Gump as well, seeing him as her primary rival for the Gump fortune, and is always glad to see him sizzling on the fire....
As you've noted, it's the comics kiddies.
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