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("I KNEEEEEEEEEWWWWW t'eah was sump'n phoney 'bout t'at guy!" bellows Joe, slapping the paper on the table in disgust. "We neveh had nut'n like t'at at..." begins Sally, but Joe cuts her off. "Ohhhhh, t'ey did too. T'ey jus' neveh got CAUGHT! Ohhhhh, I'm goin' down'eah tamarra, an' I'm gonna deman' a REFUN'!" "But night school don't cost nut'n!" "Well'en, I'm gonna go downeah an' make a donation -- an'nen I'm gonna ask for it back!")
Adjusted for the particulars, how frighteningly modern does the drug-addict story read? There is always a new angle and always a dealer happy to supply the drug.
You go Amen, I'll fight for good pay and pensions for cops as hard as I'll fight to have corrupt ones arrested.
Provided no further changes are made in plans to redraw Brooklyn's political map, Congressman Emanuel Celler, veteran Demcrat, has been safely restored to his domain. Original plans for redrawing congressional district lines would have placed Celler's home on McDonough Street within the district whose seat is now held by Rep. Andrew Somers, with the boundary being a matter of less than a city block from the Celler residence. The boundary has been adjusted to place Rep. Celler's residence within his present Congressional district, which includes portions of Bedford-Stuyvesant and much of Brownsville.
Gerrymandering 1942 style.
(Don't look so excited, toots -- he's just an ensign. He'll be initialing reports and shuffling papers and bringing coffee to lieutenant commanders who don't even know his name.)
Also and thankfully, by the time he'll be in any position to do anything, the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway will be over and the war in the Pacific, effectively, determined. It will be too late for Tom to lose the war for the Allies (one hopes).
"WHOM he talks to." Very good, Dan Dunn, English Major.
He also was polite enough not to correct Irwin in panel two.
And in the Daily News...
"In Brooklyn where they talk of the Dodgers all year round, there was more than a usual amount of bull yesterday." "Hey Mac, all your bulls are jumping out!" I love the Daily News.
That belongs on the contender list for "Most Brooklyn line of 1942."
Two days and no word on Ms. Webb's grooming or the rest of the story.
Also, things have gone quiet about Flynn and the antique Belgian courtyard - the coverup begins?
Ahhh, Patrick, you do know how to make an entrance.
Seriously, though, Caniff did that brilliantly. In addition to setting up the narrative perfectly for Ryan's big entry, look at how he shifted the perspective around in the first three panels so that it made Ryan's entry (with his popped collar) so impactful in the fourth one. You can all but hear the hero music start up in the background in panel four.
You can't get married on $21 a day once a month.
Clearly, Nina's doc is no Doc Zee charing $1 a visit or he wouldn't have time to sit and file his nails.
If this storyline leads into Shadow having a full-on nervous breakdown, it should make the Sunday pages very interesting.
I assume they're earmuffs, but being a kid of the 1970s, Shadow's earmuffs always look like Walkman headphones to me.
I predict this Sunday, Shadow will regain Susie Q's affections.
Earlier this week, I found myself sitting across the desk from a bank manager, looking for a loan, but I must admit I never considered climbing across the desk to intimidate him. I'll be sure to keep in mind for next time.
Although, it wasn't a particularly successful strategy. I hope you had more luck.