- Messages
- 17,396
- Location
- New York City
"They have found...the girls pretty and easy to get acquainted with."
...The death of a pony in an accident in Prospect Park yesterday led to the arrest of a riding academy operator on charges of possession of a pinball machine. ...
Tell me a sentence you never thought you'd read.
...The Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn has received a $2500 grant from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to carry out a year's research on methods of immunization against the crippling childhood disease. Dr. Ulrich Friedemann, once a laboratory assistant to the great Dr. Paul Ehrlich in his native Germany, will head the project. "Thus far we are remote from the final cure for infantile paralysis," stated Dr. Friedemann. "But it might be tomorrow or it might be next year that someone will find it. We have hopes." Dr. Friedemann fled Germany in 1933 after the rise of Adolf Hitler, and a month ago became a citizen of the United States....
$2500 in '42 is about $43,000 today. Exactly how much research can one do in a year with $43,000?
"We need to buy lab equipment."
"Too expensive."
"We need to rent lab space."
"Too expensive."
"We'll need an assistant or two."
"Too expensive."
"We'll need to run some studies."
"Too expensive."
"Well, we'll figure it out. Let's just order in some lunch."
"Too expensive."
"Candy bars?"
"Don't pay more than a nickel each."
Sounds like Postum.
...Yankee outfielder Tommy Henrich, who was, you will recall, at the plate when the ball got away from Mickey Owen, has been reclassified by his Massilon, Ohio draft board from 3-A to 1-A. He is expected to enter the Army soon, but will, he says, "still be a Yankee."...
At least they didn't show the picture with the stupid arrow pointing to the ball again.
Gene Tierney was clearly having an exotic and sultry moment.
Senga, with her dime-store sexuality and obvious scheming, was a fun character. It would be neat to have her pop up in China in a "Terry and the Pirates" storyline.
"I'll start right now."
"Great, we'll get you registered as soon as your check clears."
"G'mornin' Katie."
"G'mornin' Katie."
"Good morning doctor - Good morning Annie."
That would be four more "good mornings" than were said in the entire 17 years I lived at home.
Despite two good-looking parents, Merrily looks like Wendy from "The Addams Family."