I cannot shave: I get stubble in a few hours
So it is wax an epilator for me. The best sensation is waxing after leaving the hairs grow a bit long for some time, it's absolutely perfect
I get this done professionally when I travel back to Spain (better, cheaper), and then I mantain with epilator (once a week, takes 10m per leg) and my small hot wax machine (old style, no strips) now and then. It is not as perfect to the touch, but there is no difference to the naked eye [huh]
Over the lip area, I only use wax. Same for armpits, although I don't do these so often, and ocassionaly I do shave them...
So it is wax an epilator for me. The best sensation is waxing after leaving the hairs grow a bit long for some time, it's absolutely perfect
Over the lip area, I only use wax. Same for armpits, although I don't do these so often, and ocassionaly I do shave them...