Funny, I hate coffee, avoid it like the plague, but, if I have to drink it, I can only stand it if it is black. Cream and sugar make it taste even worse in my opinion!I salute anyone that can drink black coffee.
Funny, I hate coffee, avoid it like the plague, but, if I have to drink it, I can only stand it if it is black. Cream and sugar make it taste even worse in my opinion!I salute anyone that can drink black coffee.
I'm not so fond of Starbuck's hot coffees, especially those doctored up with foamy cream, etc. However, their iced coffee with that over roasted (?) tang is kind of more enticing when sweetened with a shot of caramel over ice.
Depending on how "pre" your prepubescence was, my wife might have you beat. When she was an infant her mother would hold her on her lap like most mothers do, and every time mom would raise her coffee cup to her mouth my wife would reach for it, pull it towards her, and take a sip. Apparently, mom thought, "Oh, you want coffee?", because she started putting it in my wife's baby bottle instead of milk or formula. Yep, my wife was hooked on coffee before she was out of diapers, and still drinks several cups a day.My mother got a pre-pubescent me addicted to the stuff. In fairness, it should noted that she never forced coffee on me, but coffee was always "on," seemingly...
Maine tea protocol:
1. Steep Red Rose bag in cup of boiling water.
2. Wait twenty minutes to half an hour.
3. Throw away tea bag, add nothing.
4. Drink in one gulp.
Actually, we called the old pram, baby buggies out here in the West. And yes, they did have class!In the UK they are known as baby buggies, elsewhere they get called strollers, they are those collapsible perambulators that have replaced the once magnificent pram. This evening I saw a young mother taking her baby out in a vintage pram, and didn't they look the part. I had almost forgotten how superb those baby carriages were, impractical perhaps, but oh so regal.
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Funny, in Colorado they have always been called shopping carts.We simply call those "carriages" here -- you haul your kid around in a carriage, not a *baby* carriage. We also call the carts you wheel around in a grocery store "carriages," not carts or trolleys or wagons. "Get the kid out of the carriage and stick him in the carriage while I go shopping!"
No, the front bumper on this MGB is a Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper!
No, the front bumper on this MGB is a Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper!![]()
How to bling an MG Rubber Bumper.No, the front bumper on this MGB is a Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper!![]()
Funny, in Colorado they have always been called shopping carts.
No, this is the original Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper!
I wish some of these modern car designers would have.Looks like some carnival ride designer had a formative life experience in a 1938 Pontiac.