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Strange questions about your town

pretty faythe

One Too Many
Las Vegas, Hades
Seeing as how I live in Las Vegas, and work at the LV Convention Center, I come across a vast amount of vistors. I have heard some strange questions and statements. So I was wondering what others have heard from visitors to their part of the globe.
Two that stick out in my mind, this one was said to me the other day. "You have a pretty crazy city here". I just grinned and nodded, but thought to myself, if you don't venture far off the Strip, what have you to base that upon. There is so much more to Las Vegas than the resorts and gambling.
Which leads to the one that is most prominent "Which casino do you live in?" Believe me, I have heard that one more than once. So it makes me wonder if people think that the houses, apartments etc, that they fly over are just props. I kindly let them know there is more than just casinos here, Las Vegas is quite abit larger than the Strip and DownTown, and that I live in a house.

Lets hear some.


One Too Many
Probably my favorite one recently has been "Do they have anything to do if you're not a cowboy?" (I live about 2 miles from the Sotckyards in Ft. Worth. I am very obviously not a cowboy, and my very obviously not a cowboy Yankee husband is amazed we get asked anything.) I've been replying "Keep going straight. It's like Portland down there."


Call Me a Cab
I just get asked what time it is. I've always been asked that. Maybe when you look at me, it just says "I have a watch". If you actually saw the town I live in, you'd know there aren't any questions to ask regarding it. :p


One of the Regulars
Lost in time
Having grown up in Las Vegas, I remember that when on vacation I was always asked in which Hotel/Casino my father (a general surgeon) worked. Because I was then, as now, a smart-aleck, I always answered Caesars Palace!

Stay Well,



Practically Family
I once got asked if I rode a dog-sled to school:eusa_doh: (I was travelling at the time)
I responded with 'normally yes, but we had to eat the dogs to survive the winter, so now I walk' the look was priceless!lol

Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
For San Francisco: "Its cold here!"
"Its an archipelago."
"3 sides of it surunded by water." :eusa_doh:

From Louisville, KY: "Looo-vil, you all have indoor plumbing, right?"
After I punched said person in the face, looking down on them: "No."



I guess it's not "about" my town specifically, but I frequently get people assuming that I am from California - the town I live in has the exact same name as a rather famous California city...


Call Me a Cab
I don't live there, but always find it interesting when someone visits Hollywood, and finds great disappointment. "I come to Hollywood, and what do I find. No movie stars, no glamour, too much noise, it's like my city, but with gift shops." Believe me folks, if movie stars roamed the streets of Hollywood, there'd be twice as many people either living there, or leaving there. I just tell them that was 65 years ago, but if they look carefully, they'll find glamour beneath the touristy atmosphere. Though once as I was walking up some stairs of a shopping center, a girl ran up to stop me and asked if I was a celebrity. That's what I get for wearing a double breasted suit and fedora. lol

I hope I didn't ruin anyone's expectations. It's a great place nonetheless. :p

Tony in Tarzana said:
"Does Tarzan still live here?"

(Naah, I made that one up. lol )

I was born in the Tarzana Hospital. He was in the crib next to mine.

Edgar R. Burroughs was the inspiration. I wonder why. :rolleyes:

Miss Sis

One Too Many
Hampshire, England Via the Antipodes.
A friend's Sister once went to Amercia and was asked by some one if we lived in mud huts and went round wearing grass skirts in New Zealand.

As a 10 year old, I thought this was one of the funniest things I had ever heard! lol

(We are civilised down under, by the way, incase anyone is wondering!!!)

Miss Sis

One Too Many
Hampshire, England Via the Antipodes.
I spoke to my Mum on Friday and I've lived so long in England her accent has begun to sound weird to me!

So I'm not surpried, Elaina, that you have a bit of a time with your conversations with your friend! However, I can't say I had trouble understanding people when I was in Texas, rather it was the lifestyle that I found really different.


One Too Many
Probably doesn't help him any he usually wakes me out of a sound sleep.

So it invariably goes something like this (phonetically) and include mumbles and the fact I can barely hear anyway:

Noise <someone talking>
Me: mmf..? whaddasya?
Noise <someone talking>
Me: cau-fee. Is <mumbled something> ewe Rob?
Me: wha-? Hang...eye got to gettup <mumbles>
About 10 minutes of mumbling, shuffling, cursing while I try to find my glasses and a lot of "whats?" from both of us.

Now I rarely talk with my accent, but when I'm tired or first awoken, I sound like the world's worst hillbilly with marbles in my mouth. By the time I'm awake and he's had his laugh at me, we're both good to go, but it's always the first 15 minutes of foreign languages seemingly being spoke.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
My grandfather spent forty years answering questions from tourists at his gas station, and refined the passive-aggressive response to a fine art:

"Where can we see a moose?"

Answer: "Well, the Moose don't have a hall here, but we've got Elks, Masons, and Knights of Pythias."

"Do people in Maine wear shoes?"

Answer: "No, we wear snowshoes, to get away from the moose."

"How do we get to Cal-lay?"

"You go about half a mile down the road and when you come to the water you start swimming 3000 miles to the east. But if you want to go to Cal-lus, you stay on Route 1."

"You got any live entertainment in this town?" (Asked by a gang of wild-looking hippies in a psychedelic VW Bus)

Answer: "We do now."

Amy Jeanne

Call Me a Cab
There's the very stupid "Which Exit do you live off of?" (off of the NJ Turnpike!) Yes, people still ask this. I grew up in a small town in the deep South of Jersey, closer to the Delaware Bay. The Turnpike was a 45 minute drive from where I was. There was no city there whatsoever and there still isn't. It's mostly farms. I live closer to Philly now, but still never use the Turnpike. If you live here for so long, you know the back routes ;) Let the tourists pay!!!

Another thing that makes me cringe is "So you're from New Joizey??!!" I've lived here for 31 years and I've NEVER EVER heard anyone say "Joizey." It's more like "Juhr-szee", actually :p :p :p

Also, I can't stand Bon Jovi and Bruce Springstein.


One Too Many
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY
Not really a question but whenever people find out I am from NYC, after hearing my what has been described as "northern" or "back east" accent (me, an accent? puh-lease) they always respond, "The city that never sleeps", ugh, fiind something new to say people :eusa_doh: .

Once I was in Virginia and this girl asked if I was from NYC, "Yes" I responded. "Do you know Big L?" she asked. :eek: There are like 8 million people in NYC and no, we don't live on the same street.


One of the Regulars
Having recently worked for several years in Carmel, California the number one question we get is "isn't Clint Eastwood the mayor there?"

They always seem so surprised to hear he hasn't been the mayor for almost 20 years now. lol

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