If Stetson wants to sell more hats, they should be advertising more than their cologne. They have their head designer active on social media and that's good, but they're going to need more than that. Marketing is much more than buying ad space and air time these days. Particularly if you're going after Millennials. Time for them to start cultivating their new customers. If the new Stetson wearers like their hats—you'll be seeing a whole new breed of hats and hat wearers.
Hipster really does not mean anything anymore, the idea of hipster has become so mainstream at this point it is no longer hipster. When you see large corporations marketing to "hipsters" you know it is the end of the idea having any underground, indie, alternative credibility at all. At this point hipster is really synonymous with "young person".
I agree.
Like original "Punk" went to fashional Punk(youth).
Well, Punk, as in Punk Rock, was arguably a fashion/music movement from the beginning. Malcolm MacClaren, who created the Sex Pistols, was a fashion dude, if I recall correctly.
though John Lydon vehemently denies this
Malcolm is still dictating fashion trends ... see Pharrells headwear
well ... he and Vivienne Westwood anyway![]()