Ideaguy, Thanks for the info. You are right the Church was no party. What struck me the most beyond the beautiful structure was the absolutely staggering amount of gold and silver and carving that was applied. All this at a time when most of Europe was illiterate and poor and at least on this Island enduring pirate raids constantly. Although at the time this was built Palma was a hub for trade most of the out laying areas were defenseless against attacks.
Great find!! I reblocked a few of these hats and all that I have handled have a really stiff brim, with the crown being less stiff. But all have been fairly stiff hats. I always wondered if they made a dress grade stiffened hat in this 100 line. Like Besdor, I have yet to see one if they did. But with that said, this is one of the finer hats I have handled, and you got a steal on it. That hat is easily worth several hundred dollars more than you paid for it, plus it is a piece of history. If it were mine, I would take as much stiffener out as possible, but only because I prefer soft hats generally. What a great addition to your collection!!!
My all time favorite vintage hat is a Stetson 10x fedora. A soft pure beaver hat that was made using mercury(pre Dec 1st 1941), with attention to detaling. The 7x was pure beaver as well, but less time was used in the pouncing and detaling. I have one of each stored, in moth balls and cedar. I only pull them out for special occasions. Once gone, they cannot be replaced!! Fedora
The hat, a GALERO... "This is the famous "red hat" once presented to new Cardinals and which traditionally hang from their cathedrals (if they were diocesan bishops) over their tombs after their demise."
I suspect the stone at the foot of the altar is the tomb of the former bishops.
I agree with you,I believe there are some bones under there.I prefer the craftmanship of the carvers and masons to gold and silver work.That work is just a bit over the top for my taste
Well, The hat came in today. This is quite a substantial hat. It is heavy and dense and stiff but not stiff like a hat with too much shellac in it. It feels like it would soften with use. It has beautiful detail but is not ostentatious. I don't know how I should treat this one. Despite it's stiffness it is very comfortable on the head. I could wear it easily. The bash escapes me. It has an OR dimention to it but a fedora may not do it.
The existing treatment gives it a western look to it but I don't really mind. I will leave it as is and play with the Stetson 50 when it comes. I need to get the right suit for this hat.
Astaire, I like that bash myself and did that with my AB Deluxe. If I were to change the crown that is the one I would choose. With this one I am pretty sure I'm going to lease it as is.
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