I agree, though I'm still wondering who thought it was a good idea to turn Pike into Martha Stewart in the second season; he spends more time in his quarters cooking than Captaining the ship. But then, considering the "Lower Decks" tie-in last week and this week's musical episode, I think the show may have gone completely off the rails and won't find it's way back.
I think what's happening is that the entire franchise has decided to be completely self conscious about "being Star Trek" as opposed to creating a coherent fictional universe that happens to be presented under the name "Star Trek." In other words -- Meme Trek.
There's been discussion, both positive and negative, in various places about the new SNW episode 'Subspace Rhapsody.'
In short, I thought it was brilliant.
It had the potential of being wrong in so many ways, but was woven together to combine character history and development, while serving the plot of the story line. And anything that was silly was silly in the right places.
In TNG 1x26, the Ralph Offenhaus speech to Picard, about "all about power" could be a reminescence to Orwells 1984!
I mean, Offenhaus meant power by money, but basically the same thing to "direct destiny", as he said.
No question, that Gene Roddenberry may had a reminescence in mind.
Actually watching First Contact another time in original tone.
I think, I will never watch it again in german synchro, because it's still crappy. It's so different and "TNG-fine" in original tone, I tell you!!
Def. aged well, especially from brilliant DVD on my brilliant CRT!
But what's still driving me nuts about the plot, is the fact, that they again used phasers and puls rifles, INSTEAD of giving all men klingon Bat'leths, surely easily made by replicator! Or at least the klingon D'k tahg. Come on, the Borg don't have fire weapons, so you could easily cripple them with blade weapons.
I would be happy if the Star Trek franchise gets rebooted in a meaningful way that reenergizes its fan base. The last time I watched anything Star Trek was when they tried to relaunch Picard. For me, it didn’t have the magic. Anyway, Shatner is in his 90s, so I suppose this might be a role designed to “hand off” the helm to someone else, but who knows? But I’m happy to hear that writers and producers are still thinking about the final frontier.
Mea Culpa: Someone has very quickly pointed out to me that Star Trek’s Strange New Worlds is on Paramount+. I have obviously never seen it. Perhaps tonight. Is it any good?
I had thought that Kirk sort of handed off the helm to Picard in "Star Trek: Generations" back in 1994. Hard to believe it's been over 30 years since that movie came out! Star Trek's Strange New Worlds is fantastic!
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