The suit is Montague Burton, there's a tag in the waistcoat, jacket, and trousers, but the waistcoat tag is the only one that's undamaged. The jacket and trousers have been let out a bit, and the waistcoat has been re-backed. The fabric is a heavy flannel. I originally thought it might be late '50s or early '60s, but after letting the legs out, perhaps very early '50s?
This is my latest suit, I held off putting photos up until I had let the legs back out. Here's a view of before with 8" cuffs and after with 10" cuffs. They hang perfectly straight, the creasing is from my hand in my pocket.
The original cuff width was perhaps 1/2" wider, but an overenthusiastic alterationist left some holes on the seam line when ripping it out, so my seam is about 1/8" wider. They are a lot more comfortable, though.
The suit is Montague Burton, there's a tag in the waistcoat, jacket, and trousers, but the waistcoat tag is the only one that's undamaged. The jacket and trousers have been let out a bit, and the waistcoat has been re-backed. The fabric is a heavy flannel. I originally thought it might be late '50s or early '60s, but after letting the legs out, perhaps very early '50s?
The same with of seam all the way down sounds like a good thing, non?
What was the name of the tailor in Sheffield, Matt?