Is it American? It can't be British with that fabric, right?
The problem with the jacket is that someone has taken out the shoulder padding and now we have to replace it.
HBK & Mario: Yes, the lapels are rather unsual. They weren't quite what I was expecting. The previous jacket they made for men had a lovely, broad but straight peaked lapel. I saw this and thought 'They look odd!'.
Then I tried the jacket on and immediately fell in love with the lapels! I thought to myself 'They look continental' but don't have any reference points for why I would say that.
I'm just waiting for someone to post pictures from a vintage brochure proving 'That's exactly how Spanish tailors cut lapels between 1928 and 1931.' (Oh, where is Mr Chevalier when you need him?)
Here is my latest sports jacket:
It was made for me by Bookster. I really like the distinctive curve to the lapels. And the colour is amazing - it looks blue in some lights and green in others.