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With all due respect, you can't be serious?
Why not? If anyone tried to take (steal) my jacket, I'd just call the police and then sue them afterwards. Even if they don't end up in jail, they would have to pay a lot of money for all the legal crap and they'd never try to steal another jacket ever again.
People are wearing Sons of Anarchy cutoffs in the street. I see people on bikes wear it! It's all a joke. Or rather, it always was. Who can even afford a Harley nowadays, anyway? Lawyers and dentists and CEO's. Certainly not outlaws, to use the term that doesn't even translate to anything anymore. All the Angles that I knew were filthy rich. They'd smuggle a crappy cold war rusted Tokarev that probably didn't even work anymore once a year, just to justify their stupid club membership and spend the rest of the time bragging about. Tough guys.
Those days are over forever... At least in Europe. And yeah, @Will Zach is right, I am talking about European MC chapters though I hear things elsewhere aren't that much different.