The chap that sold it to me was emotional as he’d had lots of great times whilst wearing the jacket.I love this story.
At first i thought oh another stinky should i fix , is it worth it or just trash it jacket thread.
But, you love this jacket. Old smokey loved this jacket. Probably broke his heart about giving away his pride and joy.
Most folks around here have so many jackets, have graduated up the learning ladder that it’s so easy to say trash it. Why waste time and money on it. Get something better.
But this jacket has a history. It lived and was loved and it looks it.
Many here have never done that. Many never really break in a jacket before they sell it or stick it in a closet. This is not an indictment of the members, just the truth. Many aren’t old enough to have done that.
But…lots want nothing more than to buy one that has lived and loved and is where one like your fine old Aero is.
I’m an old f**k. I have leather jackets 50+ years old that fought, f**ked and survived life somehow better that i have and i still wear them some.
If i had to sell one for a song i’d probably cry too.
If it was me, i’d spiff up that old Aero, get the smell out best i could, hydrate it and “shine” it up like a fine old gold watch in all it’s glory then give it back to that old man.
He’d cry then. You too i bet and both of you’d be the better.
And when the time comes…you’d probably get it back for another go at life.
Welcome to the lounge @BenBrown.
He was happy to see it go though as he knew he wouldn’t wear it again and knew that there were new memories to be made for the wearer.
I just wish I took some pictures before I cleaned it up. It was amazing. Looked incredible , but was so so worn , leather stuck together . Zips blue and gunked up. Very cool.
He advised me not to clean it and keep it as it was - but it was too much.
He also advised - “Just wear a shirt” which I think I’m going to stick to.
Partly because im too big to wear another layer, but alsi Because the jacket looks so cool it needs something simple to bring it down a peg.