I'm glad it found a good home. Its a spectacular hat and looks great on you!
Reallly sharp hat Josh! It does look perfect!
A beauty for sure - enjoy it!
The store Olson and Darelius at Lake and Nicollet must be Minneapolis. Olson being a Scandinavian name, and the only Lake and Nicollet that I know being in Minneapolis, places the store pretty surely in that city. Also Buhler being in Wisconsin nearby, it makes sense that that's where the hat was bought. It might be an interesting research subject to find out a little something about the store, for Minneapolitans who are into hats.
I'm glad it found a good home. Its a spectacular hat and looks great on you!
New photos of my 'old', OPS era Dobbs Gay Prince.
Additional photos and hat details in the Dobbs Diner thread.
From the 'bay for a few bucks... In adds the Stetson Week-ender was presented as the freetime alternative to the more dressy Whippet. The lightweight ("Zephyr weight") felt is very supple. The hat has a perforated circle on the top of the crown. The sweat is unreeded - I think I need to be careful not to ruin the stithes... Otherwise, this hat is a joy!
What do you al think about it's age? Second half of the 1940's?
The store Olson and Darelius at Lake and Nicollet must be Minneapolis. Olson being a Scandinavian name, and the only Lake and Nicollet that I know being in Minneapolis, places the store pretty surely in that city. Also Buhler being in Wisconsin nearby, it makes sense that that's where the hat was bought. It might be an interesting research subject to find out a little something about the store, for Minneapolitans who are into hats.
Excellent hat, did you have to have it cleaned up? It looks like it was just built. Very nice.
So we are the same size....
What do you al think about it's age? Second half of the 1940's?
The store Olson and Darelius at Lake and Nicollet must be Minneapolis. Olson being a Scandinavian name, and the only Lake and Nicollet that I know being in Minneapolis, places the store pretty surely in that city. Also Buhler being in Wisconsin nearby, it makes sense that that's where the hat was bought. It might be an interesting research subject to find out a little something about the store, for Minneapolitans who are into hats.
Nice, representative hat from the era, Josh, and it looks great on you!
There is no longer a physical intersection of the two streets, as the location is now covered by a supermarket parking lot.
And a great hat also....:eusa_clap
Ok loungers, if this gentleman is sudenly murdered and later you found out all his hats are gone, you can totally blame me... now if only i knew exactly where he´s located... mmmhhh... ¬¬
(kidding of course)