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Penny wise, but pound foolish?


One of the Regulars
I’m sure you know the expression but just in case anyone thinks I’m talking about the Steven King Clown from the IT novel, it just means being smart with your smaller purchases but not with the larger ones

I have a closet full of Vansons and a few other jackets and riding pants from other makers. They were all good to great deals, with a few being an amazing find and at very fair price.

But every once in a while I come across something like this and I start to second guess my choices.

Asking price is $1,200.00, which is a LOT for me, but I'm sure I could have not-purchased three jackets and two pair of riding pants, which would get me there.

I'm on the cusp of a sell off, of the gear that's not used, or two small, or just not worn. And wonder maybe I should think about just owning fewer but special items.

Is this a development others have gone through? What was your experience?
Am I reaching some kind of "phase two"
of leathers appreciation?



One of the Regulars
Is this a larger size, 46 or 48?
Yup, Jackets a 46 and overpants are 40.

A search for “custom Vanson” should bring it right up, if you’re interested. It’s a sweet set up!

Like I said, the timing isn’t right for me, but if a lounger picked it up? All’s fair in love and auctions!


I'll Lock Up

I like the set you listed here but the white stripe isn't my cup of tea on those particular color leathers. If you like it awesome!

But yes, I have done likewise, selling off a lot of jackets I just didn't love (or wear) and holding only those I really want to keep. Even that, I may still be shedding one or two more in the early fall. "Own fewer, better things" as per Standard & Strange. And I do not own anything from them, incidentally.


My Mail is Forwarded Here
I sold all the leather jackets that didn't fit or that I didn't wear. Now I still have 9 leather jackets (not counting shearlings) that I actually wear. Ok, some more, some less, but they all get worn.
I could certainly have 2 less jackets, but the possible return does not justify the sale.


One of the Regulars

Yeah, I wouldn’t have put a stripe on that can degrade like reflective material does over time. A leather stripe or none at all would be better. But it is practical for night riding.

But I hadn’t intended to make the post about the suit, it was just an example of “geeze, if I made fewer purchases, and saved up for nicer ones, look at what becomes available”

Mostly I was thinking about just changing from jackets that hit the “that’s interesting” or “that’s cool” buttons over to “this jacket always feels great no matter what” kind of a focus.

I’m the first to admit I can get caught up in the “oh what an interesting example” portion of collecting.

ADD is part of it. The hunt for dopamine is a squirrelly beast to track!


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Thinned mine down to the regular wearers, nearly all Eastman leathers aside from a Brooks & a 5*. Sold on all the nearly rans to fund the keepers. Not including my nylon jacket experiences here which are many…


Familiar Face
I hope that I have focused in on the main concern here:

1. The first issue is general finance and rules of thumb, to be able to pounce on a deal:
-Have $0 debt.
-Have 1 year's living expenses in liquid savings (liquid within 1 year).
-Less overhead costs = more discretionary money.

2. Some people set a limit for a hobby, but the limit can include flexibility, such as a $10,000 limit in a collection regardless of the specific components of the collection.

Simply considering those 2 principles, one could buy a $1,000 jacket and then sell 3 $333.33 jackets in the next 3 months, having previously derived the benefit of inspecting and wearing those 3 "lesser" jackets.

It is often the experience of having experimented widely in the past that informs you what those fewer, pricier items are that are worth it to you now.


One of the Regulars
Some of us move on to another interest altogether and start anew.
Sometime remind me to talk about the vintage

Railroad Grade Hamilton pocket watches
Military half shelters
Camp chore knives
Vintage camping stuff in general
Wool… all the wool…

My hobbies fund my hobbies, I made a couple really nice sales on a couple of grail level bicycles that kicked everything off. From then on it’s been a matter of getting interesting in a category, buying a few examples in that category, deciding where the focus lies, and narrowing it down and selling off unused examples.

At one point I had nearly 20 vintage bicycles, and that was after buying and selling a few at the beginning. Eventually I discovered what I really enjoy riding are touring and sports/touring models from companies that fabricated their own frames in house, and I now have 4 old bikes (ok and three unbuilt frames). But finding the bargains has kept my hobbies moving forward. If I buy real low, I can undersell the going rate and still make a little profit.
My custom jacket was funded by the sale of an unused internet domain name. After that, things quickly spiraled into buying / then selling to fund the next purchase. I’m too impulsive to follow “logical rules for spending”” although I’ve tried most of the styles I’ve found interesting and have settled on my favorites. I might even sell some soon…


New in Town
Eventually I discovered what I really enjoy riding are touring and sports/touring models from companies that fabricated their own frames in house, and I now have 4 old bikes (ok and three unbuilt frames).

Hobbies are fun like that - getting lost in them. We bring our own unique perspective. It sounds like you’re handy with the numbers and cash flow. I’ve always just spent and moved on, happily :p
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