From 1940's, heavy brass zip, perfect clean condition. Size 42. 200€ postage paid. Jerome
Aug 7, 2008 #1 K krasno35 Familiar Face Messages 65 Location USA From 1940's, heavy brass zip, perfect clean condition. Size 42. 200€ postage paid. Jerome
Aug 9, 2008 #2 ideaguy One Too Many Messages 1,042 Location Western Massachusetts could you provide any more photos? hard to tell from this angle just what's what...interested in the jacket- PM me if you'd like thanks
could you provide any more photos? hard to tell from this angle just what's what...interested in the jacket- PM me if you'd like thanks
Aug 15, 2008 #4 K krasno35 Familiar Face Messages 65 Location USA Michael, thanks to answer to your emails! Jerome