Sometimes I think I remember things in black & white if it was a long time ago, especially things about Christmas after dark.
Sometimes I think I remember things in black & white if it was a long time ago, especially things about Christmas after dark.
Seems like they'd get more gas if they used beans.
Black and white and in winter, sometimes with a mist or fog......the most haunting and beautiful thing.
Early to mid-Sixties, I'll warrant, and in the fall in an area that gets snow. The green car is a pre-'65 Mercury with the "breezeway" option, the rear power window that slid down behind the rear seat. I had a '65 Park Lane with that feature. If you opened all the windows, including the little vent windows, and drove at 60 on an overcast day, you hardly needed air-conditioning! Tires for that car in 1982 were about $100 a set, so an $11.95 single snow tire as advertised here would have been quite a while before that.
Cities-Service 1930. 1936 Ford Coupe
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