Really fine jacket and fit. Having enough wiggle room for a sweater is, imho, a perfect fit. I'd spring it on the wife asap because, first, she's going to smell it in no time and, second, you don't want to slink around in your own house. Now, here's a question: are you finding the CXL as tough to break in as some have said, or are you finding it surprisingly easy?
Here's the funny part - the jacket arrived ahead of schedule and showed up the day my mother-in-law came to visit for 2 weeks, so I definitely have to wait until I'm not out-numbered. She'll be fine with it, especially when I tell her I got it on eBay for $350... Oh boy.
I literally had trouble getting it on the first time - but it's warm here in NJ now and I wore it until I was breaking a sweat, doing all sorts of stretches and then crumpling & rolling it. I'm pleasantly surprised how much more flexible it is after 1 hour of wear, so it's not as intimidating as I thought it would be.
I actually find the cotton drill adding stiffness to the sleeves that probably would be less with sateen - I'm still on the fence about that choice. But, I will absolutely get sateen and light wool in the Vicenza I hope to order next year (I got medium weight wool on this jacket, which is great).