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I personally think that the new jacket fits great as it is. However, if you think it's short, it will bother you forever, especially when you specifically requested it to be longer.
If this jacket reminds your wife of Daniel Craig, you have already won. Big.Many thanks to all of you who have responded with your honest feedback. I really appreciate it.
I did not realise that this style jacket is a "Trucker style jacket " at time of ordering. I have seen numerous pictures on the web with this same Thedi model and it does not look like a Trucker short style jacket in the various pics i have seen. Anyway, I have contacted Theodoros explaining my dilema and he replied straight away, first thing in the morning as he opened up for business, and offered to remake me a new jacket & stipulated that the model pattern is shorter than the first one i have . He also asked me for some pics of me wearing the jacket.
I emailed the pics and he replied saying that the jacket fits like a glove on me. He also agrees that it is slightly shorter than the other jacket ,but he knew that making it and he did not want to add any more length to it , which would upset the aesthetics of the design because it being a different pattern than the first and wanted to give me a more unique jacket , different to the first.
After reading all of your replies and especially from, Tony @ton312 , @TREEMAN , @58panheadfan , @Guppy ,Marc @Marc mndt , @ torfjord ,@Monitor being fans of shorter jackets,i am seeing your valid points here as well as Theodoros's, adding length to it might upset the balance. As @Monitor says This is a short jacket ,the shortest jacket i have ever worn. Maybe im not used to wearing this short.Even my wife is seeing the "Trucker style"side of it, saying it will look better once i start wearing it with layers underneath , and not so posed with T shirt tucked in jeans especially my old light wash jeans i used in both sets of pics She digged up this photo of Daniel Craig wearing a very short Trucker style cut jacket which looks very short and said she loves "this look" with some layers underneath.
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Everyone here has made some good honest points, After going thru my wardrobe with my wife and pairing it with more newer pairs of darkwash jeans and chinos, and layers underneath the jacket, my wife loves it and i have warmed up to the various looks i can accomplish with a shorter jacket.
I have decided to keep it and learn to accept it is the loook Theodoros wanted this jacket for my body. Make no mistake this is another "top tier" made jacket by Thedi. The little insecurity just got the better of me, Many thanks to all who replied . Just have to wait for our summer to finish now.
In hindsight, you have made a very valid point which i" overlooked", i have been doing a little "upper body " weight training at home the last 6 months, which probably plays into the slight difference in back length and the jacket riding up a bit, as both these jackets have the exact same back length, and yes the comparison photos were taken seperately, early Feb for the original and yesterday , and in both photos the exact same pair of jeans were used.Honest feedback?
Short but not too short for an OTR-fit. As you requested more lenght, it´s a personal thing if you can live with it or feel a constant itch.
Why does it look shorter than the other jacket? Are the comparison pix taken at the same time? Could it be that you´ve gained 1-2 pounds (Covid-fat and/or weightlifting)? This would make the jacket ride up a bit. You won´t notice in a fully broken in jacket.
BTW: Both jackets looks absolutely great!
Thanks Peacoat, have valued your posts over the years of me lurking on here. Because of you i have 3 Kersey Peacoats, A world war2 and 2 Vietnam era ( i believe 1966), keep meaning to post some pics, which i will do in the new year.I am sensitive to short jackets—don't like them. However, I don't see anything too short about your jacket. No way in the world would I even think about sending this one back.
Thanks, i am seeing now this whole thing about this style = belt line.From my perspective it looks absolutely spot on in terms of length - any longer and it loses the whole look and style - jackets of this style have to cut off right at the belt to look right imo, and this one looks fantastic as it is I would say.
Thanks Jin. The other jacket is Horsehide. This feels more robust and stiff, will have to wear in the house over summer to break in, but i am loving the graining on this. How is yours coming along?L
Congrats @nickv, that jacket with 2 sets of detachable collar is just too nice. I'm late to the party but I'm glad that you are keeping the jacket as is. I am in favor of shorter jacket lengths for leather/denim jackets so I found the fit photos looking quite ideal so I hope the look/fit growns on you. Not sure if it will be your style but you may want to try pairing the jacket with jeans/trousers with a higher back rise to fill in that visual gap between the jacket hem to the back pocket.
picture below is a jacket with a 22.5" back length with pants having a 16" back rise?
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how do you find the Canetto cowhide compared to the Buffalo?
ooh got it, i thought that was Buffalo. wow that's surprising that you note that the Canetto is stiffer, the Thedi I have is my softest jacket in my closet so that first jacket of yours must be super supple for a horse hide. the graining is insane, it's so different from what I currently have and it's growing on me. I only wear the jacket 1-2x a week so it's still pretty much the same although the shoulder and upper back seems to have moulded to my physique already. I love wearing the mouton collar, it's just the right warmth for 40-50F weatherThanks Jin. The other jacket is Horsehide. This feels more robust and stiff, will have to wear in the house over summer to break in, but i am loving the graining on this. How is yours coming along?
Yes the horshide was much more supple/softer-drape wise as soon as i received it. Im sure my cowhide will sotren up in no time.Yes they are tottally different in feel as opposed to other makers, super comfortable.And i agree about the mouton collars, i can even swap all three , the beige from the first one, my newly aquired black and brown collars between both jackets as they all have the same button hole spacing .ooh got it, i thought that was Buffalo. wow that's surprising that you note that the Canetto is stiffer, the Thedi I have is my softest jacket in my closet so that first jacket of yours must be super supple for a horse hide. the graining is insane, it's so different from what I currently have and it's growing on me. I only wear the jacket 1-2x a week so it's still pretty much the same although the shoulder and upper back seems to have moulded to my physique already. I love wearing the mouton collar, it's just the right warmth for 40-50F weather
wow, what a nice horse hide that is if it's even more supple and drape even better than the Canetto cowhide. it shouldn't take much time at all, the leather is very forgiving and quite easy to wear. Wow that's so cool, you can interchange multiple colored collar for 2 jackets. That's a lot of different looks you can achieve!Yes the horshide was much more supple/softer-drape wise as soon as i received it. Im sure my cowhide will sotren up in no time.Yes they are tottally different in feel as opposed to other makers, super comfortable.And i agree about the mouton collars, i can even swap all three , the beige from the first one, my newly aquired black and brown collars between both jackets as they all have the same button hole spacing .
So, a very sad story. My wife and I were married for years and literally not one time did she mention another man looking attractive to her. Suddenly she started talking about Daniels craig. So I went on a quest to get the Skyfall jacket. This was before I collected jackets. I overpaiamd on ebay , got one and waited for her to notice. She never did and filed for divorce a month later.
Moral of the story. : Wife compared you to Daniel Craig. Wear every freaking day
It's interesting to see after more than 2 years how this jacket looksAfter receiving my first Thedi leather jacket in February this year, i was smitten by the workmaship and quality of the product , that i didnt hesitate to place another one on order in June. It arrived yesterday. Model MTC-127996 in black Canetto cowhide washed and waxed (same as @Jin431) ,with brass 2 way zipper,brass cuff snaps and brass side cinch strap buckle , and wool lining, and 2 removable collars, black and brown .Once again the quality of the work is outstanding.Fit feels great as like the first jacket..... BUT there is something nagging at me.
When i ordered the jacket i mentioned that i would like the back of the jacket at least half a inch longer in the length, as compared to my first jacket. They even requested me to take a pic of my first jacket with measuring of the back length, which i did and emailed for their production. The back length is exactly the same on both jackets, yet this jacket "Feels and Looks " shorter to me. Comparing pics to my first jacket the back looks shorter, I don't know? Honest feedback please, no sugar coating. Fit pics to follow. View attachment 391772 View attachment 391761 View attachment 391762 View attachment 391763 View attachment 391764 View attachment 391765 View attachment 391766
I was going to say the same about trouser rise. Current trends in the rise of jeans are what make the jacket look short, not the jacket length. I like shorter jackets, too. But I have longer legs and a shorter torso than most guys my height. In bicycle fitting terms I'm a "shortback" I have a Vanson Highwayman as much as I love it, boy would I like to find one with the torso length of the C2!This dilemma is exactly why i hate custom orders as opposed to otr. Not like you can ask for 1 size bigger for a fit comparison. I get that the length has that vintage fit but it’s the one part of vintage fit i don’t care for. Imo the problem lies with the present average pants rise. With a 32/33 pants size i like a “mid rise” at about 11”. A short jacket like that looks better with 12” plus.
For me (and i’m guessing several others here) nagging internal voices only get louder with time. My experience is your first instinct is usually correct and if someone asks about fit here in their heart they already know the answer.
I have long torso and short legs, I think I still prefer medium or short jackets since it makes my legs look a bit longer with how it breaks up the outfit visually. I still like my Model E, it's quite long but I would love an older pattern C2, the modern ones are only slightly shorter than my E, maybe about half to an inch shorter.I was going to say the same about trouser rise. Current trends in the rise of jeans are what make the jacket look short, not the jacket length. I like shorter jackets, too. But I have longer legs and a shorter torso than most guys my height. In bicycle fitting terms I'm a "shortback" I have a Vanson Highwayman as much as I love it, boy would I like to find one with the torso length of the C2!