Barry said:... sovereign citizen movements, the militas, the "constitutionalists," and the tax protest movement at a number of sites
You might draw the same conclusions as I do.
There's not much to wonder about, really?
Two words might summarize my motivation here: Oklahoma City.
Dixon Cannon said:The First Admendmant is the lynchpin amendment; primarlily because of the clause that reads..."and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. "
Without the ability to petition the government for redress of grievances, all other freedoms and rights are moot. Our ability - our Right - to petititon our goverment to change and to correct it's wrong is the lost right! Yet, it is that Right that is the magic bullet to restore our Liberty by telling our Servant government that WE are in charge and that it is WE who tell our government what to do - not vis-versa.
We all need to know more about our Constitutional Liberties and why we have them!
-dixon cannon
Dixon Cannon said:Those whose expedient wants, needs and desires are more important them then the underlying philosophical foundational principles that make the fullfilment of those needs possible. Those who would kill the Golden Goose just to have control over egg production.
I am so glad I have done my schoolwork outside the government school system and certainly outside the 'beltway'! lol
Barry said:Well, well. Sorry, Dixon. "Tax Protesters" are all about "me me me." That's why they create dozens and dozens of bad legal arguments to support the cause. "The Law that Never Was!" Hah!
Dixon, by the way, Cato is here in DC. Ever been? I have. A former mentor and good friend of mine received an award there several years ago.
TommySalieri said:Hear, hear.
I just cannot comprehend how my hard earned money is being carelessly spent on these programs.
Barry said:Well, well. Sorry, Dixon. "Tax Protesters" are all about "me me me." That's why they create dozens and dozens of bad legal arguments to support the cause. "The Law that Never Was!" Hah!
Viola said:Pardon me, Dixon, I'm cutting in! lol
So, to say that the government is using the vast majority of tax money wastefully, for poorly thought-out causes, and in some cases outright immorally, is selfish? I don't make enough money for it to be all about ME!
Barry said:I saw a link in this thread. I clicked it and the website presented a book and also linked to at least one "tax denier/protester/whatever" organization. I've posted my links as a response. People can take it for what it is worth.
When I refer to "tax protester" movements I am referring to groups of individuals who believe that the law is constitutionally invalid or if it is valid it does not apply to them. They believe this for a variety of reasons which have never been accepted. That's why I said it's all about "me, me, me."
scotrace said:The topic is Most Important Freedom.
Tony in Tarzana said:Before it gets shut down, I'd like to thank Magneto and Viola for restoring my faith.![]()
Viola said:The right to keep and bear arms; it protects your life and liberty, and with it you can defend your freedom of speech and freedom of religion as well as freedom from excessive or tyrannical government.