DOUGLAS said:Dean, that 1st khaki Campaign hat with the tall crown is fantastic. I got to dig out my Grandfathers Campaign hat.
DOUGLAS said:Hey Jkingrph, thanks for the info. I have wondered about that. The reason I mentioned it to be a Lt.Col. is because there is a name and rank on the sweat band. I would think having your name in the hat would come in handy when there are more than two laying in front of you.
DOUGLAS said:Wow, Pat_H, those are terrific sites. I love that 1st hat pictured. Thanks for that source. I bet Dean would enjoy that one.
deanglen said:The whole forum is terrific! Details! Lots of details! This is what I crave! I wish they had more on the 1883-on Campaign hats. You have your grandfather's campign hat? Find it! Shoot it, with your camera, and post that gem. I just finished redoing my Span-Am War Era campign hat, brim trim stitching, ribbon and bow. If I only had a camera of my own I'd post shots for viewing. It was campaign hats that led me to fedoras. I have a soft spot for them still. I like the tall crown tan hat. Wear that around Manhatten and listen for the responses!
Pat_H said:Dean, some of those are depicted in this archived thread:
deanglen said:Pat!
I can't believe my eyes! :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap I have never seen so many photos and facts on my favorite hats, right before I my very eyes. That guy has 10 of those hats! I didn't think that many still existed! Thank you, thank you, and thank you again! I will spend hours poring over the pictures and texts! I only wish I'd found this before I made my homemade reproduction. It would have been all that more accurate!
Pat_H said:Dean, who did you have your reproduction campaign hat made by?
I have a nice quality M1911 campaign hat that was the product of an effort to reproduce the very first model of it, with the brim stitching. But the project itself, while producing one good hat, was a bit of a failure as getting it done was such a chore, and only the one example resulted.
DOUGLAS said:Hey Dean, did you see the model 1904 ? My God is that fantastic!! I would definitely wear that type around town. What a great site.
I gotta start posting more military hats.
deanglen said:Pat,
I made two of them from cowboy hats I found on e-bay, here's the thread I posted about them. I have since redone the second one, trying to get the brim stitching right and you're darn right it's tough, not having a three needle heavy duty sewing machine:
I would love to do more of them, and that is why I loved the forum link you posted. I really need as many details and detailed photos as I can get. My first attempts were not as informed. Your link was like fresh air! I have so many questions about those hats, I don't know where to begin. Are they all fur felt? How heavy of a felt. Sweatbands: how thick, what color. Stitching, exactly what color thread, how was it sewed, machine I assume. What color felt, exactly. Ribbon, 5/8", and what colors were used. Why did they pinch them so tight at the crown like that? Why did the montana peak take over? Rain, I've read. Brim width, appears to vary. Crown heigth, appears to vary. and so on. My greatest joy would be to produce the most accurate repro I could of those hats. Just to be able to do it. I love the look.
deanglen said:Pat,
I've been doing some reading at that link you posted. It's interesting to see the parallel universe of discussions on wool versus felt, rabbit versus beaver, nutria versus both and/or either, quality of repro hats, etc. Thanks again for being a part of the Lounge. Oh, did that one guy ever get his $60 1911 repro and was it any good?
DOUGLAS said:Hey Dean, i found my Grandfathers Campaign hat. Man, it is in better shape than I remembered. I used to wear that hat through out High School. I also found a couple of his Side Caps, and a WWII German Flight Helmut. I will post these in a bit.
deanglen said:CAN"T WAIT! But will. I'm assuming "montana" peak? I've got to believe that style of crown bash can have a life outside of state troopers, drill insructors, mounties,park rangers, and "Smokey-the-you-know-what". Not a rakish bash, to be sure but I posted this once, elsewhere, and I think it's interesting; a fedora with a "montana" peak: