I appreciate the thought you put into your reply, and I respect the effort to engage in a more reasonable conversation here. But I’m not apologizing for pushing back on a dominant narrative or offering a counterpoint in this thread. Framing that as something requiring an apology maintains the underlying power play that undermines the more rational tone you’re aiming for. In fact, the request for an apology doesn’t signify a genuine desire to move forward in dialogue. It’s an attempt to reassert the hierarchy that’s been in play since the beginning. By framing disagreement as a violation requiring contrition, the group maintains the same insider/outsider dynamic that undermines any possibility of meaningful, open conversation.
From the start, my focus has been on calling attention to the way certain discussions here shut down dissenting views—not on personal attacks, not on drama, and certainly not on disrespect. I’m satisfied with the points I’ve made and have no need to revisit old dynamics.
As I mentioned before, for anyone interested in actual impressions and photos of the jacket, feel free to message me directly. That’s where I’ll be focusing my time going forward.
From the start, my focus has been on calling attention to the way certain discussions here shut down dissenting views—not on personal attacks, not on drama, and certainly not on disrespect. I’m satisfied with the points I’ve made and have no need to revisit old dynamics.
As I mentioned before, for anyone interested in actual impressions and photos of the jacket, feel free to message me directly. That’s where I’ll be focusing my time going forward.
Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in!!!
One last essay I didn’t want to write then I’m really done. @Peacoat nothing below uses foul language or insults anyone. So I hope this doesn’t derail things again. If it does I accept that. The mods and admins jobs are a thankless one.
Listen I’m not trying to argue and I don’t want to get banned myself! Ha. I also said my one message would be it. Yet you’re still not getting it. You even just said it’s not about master supply; you said it’s about gatekeeping and you came in with an agenda and purposely were provocative. Thats the issue. Are some people here gatekeepers, perfectionists, or snobs? Yeah for sure. Some of them will even admit it. Yet I swear to you most of us are not. Most of us started at the bottom, or have ran through everything and ended up back at the start. There’s levels to this. Not only in cost and experience, and heritage but there are good makers at every level. Like I said there are places for makers like 5 Star or Master Supply. Our very own @Mrfrown just posted about his experience with them. He’s owned Rainbow Country and is cool enough to have his own collab with Vanson. Yet still took a stab at Master Supply. @ton312 has owned everything. Literally everything and gave 5 Star several chances. The issue isn’t gatekeeping or snobbery it’s the attitude you came in with. People sussed out your agenda and attitude immediately. New makers at every level pop up all the time and some folks tear them apart and hate, some love and defend, most are somewhere in the middle. But two things about TFL. First TFL isn’t for causals. Everyone who sticks around is hardcore into this hobby. You should expect people dissecting the hell out of every product. People care about the history, backstory, legacy, makers experience, life-story, skills, artistry, so on and so forth. They want to know as much as possible and judge all aspects. It’s what the truly dedicated and engrossed do.
2. Yet exceptions are made based on pricing, tier, marketing, target demographic. We understand all that. Even I myself said some of Master Supply’s rough out and suede options look killer. Like I would be more than proud to own one. People respect those willing to take a shot. To give a new maker a chance. We want honest feedback and opinions. As I said in my first response. If you had said hey Master Supply looks interesting, this model stands out to me. I am going to give it a shot and I’ll post pics and observations when it arrives. You’d have received 99.9% positive responses. “Can’t wait to see.” “I’ve been wondering about them.” “Make sure to gives us honest feedback.” And yeah maybe one or two “they look like crap.” “I wouldn’t buy one.” But you get that when it comes to 5 Star up to RMC to LW. Everyone has an opinion. But you didn’t do that. You purposely instigated, argued, and provoked. And now by your own admission on purpose! You want people to respond positively to being hassled and targeted?
So you’re still failing to see the point and now making it sound as if you’re some martyr who’s been banned in the name of breaking down gatekeeping. Even though only a few here do gatekeep. I know one of our members even made a video recently on why gatekeeping is good; which I strongly wholeheartedly disagree with. Many of us do. Yet that member is also super well informed, has owned so many well made beautiful products. Has knowledge on the subjects you could only hope to have. So yeah I disagree, respectfully. He’s earned his right to that opinion. He has owned and handled, interviewed, been interviewed, and sunk thousands into this hobby and his work. Thats his well earned right. I can say not for me, not my opinion, and still look forward to seeing their new video or new post here about a new product they received. We disagree around here constantly. With respect and integrity. Those that don’t, well they get banned or quit. Now see why you were banned? You didn’t come with respect, integrity or honesty. You had an agenda; or you got beat up so bad you’re now lying and pretending that’s what happened. Either way it’s not honest or respectful.
Yet after my now second essay I still hope you see the light, come to terms with the situation, apologize, learn and stick around. Then you just might see the wealth of knowledge, experience and good people we have around here. Even those we might disagree with. As long as we’re not disagreeing about human rights, it’s not life or death. It’s jackets. Expensive jackets no one needs. They aren’t important. It’s a hobby. Hence why no one cares about big words or your bookshelves. Any day of the week I’ll put up my education, work experience in my field and my bookshelf against anyone here. But I have no need nor want to. We’re friends. Just stick to the truth and the products and the history. I’ve made several true real life friends. I respect every member here. But @Monitor @ton312 @Edward ya know they are good people. I’ve made so many deals with @ksozay it’s nuts. You too could find that level of camaraderie. It’s never too late to learn. Even if no one else cares; I do. I want the hobby to grow and to help new folks learn. Join us. Take something from this experience. Or you can dig in and die a martyr to your personal cause, cry to whatever other forum, or run to Master Supply. I don’t know man, it’s jackets; it’s a hobby, it’s not that serious.
Pics or it don’t count brother!
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