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Love at first sight? What Balloney!!...or, does it really happen?


Call Me a Cab
Outer Los Angeles
I don't connect one person to another based on past experiences; everyone is different. Every situation is different. I just grew tired of the start and stop of it all. Got tired of being a practitioner of what Michael Franks says in the beginning of his song, Face to Face (1987):

I've been waiting to meet you
I know you're out there somewhere
Are you waiting to meet me to?
Every morning I start out
Maybe today
Every night turn my heart out
maybe tomorrow. . .

[Edit]: Not to worry, though, Paddy. These feelings are usually fleeting. I haven't completely clammed up, but after many years of wearing my heart on my sleeve, I do have a tendancy toward pocketing it.



I'll Lock Up
Chicago, IL US
MrNewportCustom said:
I don't connect one person to another based on past experiences; everyone is different. Every situation is different. I just grew tired of the start and stop of it all. Got tired of being a practitioner of what Michael Franks says in the beginning of his song, Face to Face (1987):

Lee: Not to sound avuncular or condescending, but there are no promises
either in Life or in Love; but to seek or be open to Love, and, to the possibility of its attainment,
is the true core of being human. Great joy carries the risk of heartbreak--
I've been the fool over the wrong woman a few times myself, brother.
But do not quit, or walk away embittered. Tomorrow holds promise. :)


Call Me a Cab
Outer Los Angeles
Harp said:
Lee: Not to sound avuncular or condescending, but there are no promises
either in Life or in Love; but to seek or be open to Love, and, to the possibility of its attainment,
is the true core of being human. Great joy carrie sthe risk of heartbreak--
I've been the fool over the wrong woman a few times
myself, brother. But do not quit, or walk away embittered. Tomorrow holds promise. :)

Please read my edit three flights up. :)



My Mail is Forwarded Here
CharlieH. said:
That sums up my opinions quite accurately.... only in my case, the "boyfriend" was often an unseen excuse and not an actual person.
What is wrong with females? A girl is lucky to meet a fine lad such as yourself. Along the same lines, when my husband utters the words 'my wife' the female is still interested in him, perhaps moreso, the cad.
I met my wife because she thought that i was someone else and decided to slap me on the back of my head with a pair of gloves. Needless to say that when i turned around i was a little pissed off. It wasn't love at first sight for me, but for her, it was. That happened in November of 06. We we married in August of 07 shortly before i left to come here to Iraq. I thank god every day that she loves me so damn much.
SHORT TIMER, OUT OF HERE IN 20 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Practically Family
Good ol' Midwest
SHORT TIMER, OUT OF HERE IN 20 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I call my experience "love at third sight." First time we met each other, we weren't on each other's radar. The second time, I was head over heels. Third time, I had him hooked. :D Then he gave me his fedora off his head. End of story.


One Too Many
Nasvhille, TN & Memphis, TN
Micky stay safe in those 20 days and safe journey home.

Lets see, I was more of a love whacking me upside the head...I met my husband when I was 16 but I was dating someone else at the time. When I was 17 we got in a conversation one day that ended up with me agreeing to go to the Marine Corps Ball with him. We went on a few dates before that but when I saw him walking up to my mother's door in those dress blues with a dozen roses...I turned to my mother and said I am going to marry that man. 5 years later I did :). And after 5 years of marraige and 10 years together he still makes me weak. And that uniform......

Gary Crumrine

One of the Regulars
I'm not sure of love "at first sight", but I do know that the moment I saw my future wife I was certainly "interested".

Back in those years -- today is our 15th anniversary, and I courted her for 5 years before that -- I taught adults the skill set required to get their real estate broker's license. There seems to have been, at that time, something teaseworthy about authority figures because most of the younger women would sit in the front row, wearing those micro skirts then fashionable, and cross and re-cross their legs in the manner of a metronome. Facing class was like watching flowers wink at you.

SHE came to class on her first day wearing a turquoise suit with red piping. Skirt to below her knees. Blond hair done just so. Brown eyes. I concluded she dyed her eyes. I was standing by an empty desk in the first row, nearest the podium. Knowing that people generally sit in the same seat each week that they sat in the first day, I prayed. "Please God, let her sit here and I'll never ask for anything else!". Of course, I lied about that last part. But SHE sat there anyway. For eight weeks, it was all I could do to keep my eyes off her, at least for a few moments each class. Somehow, I happened to run into her on the day she graduated, and one thing led to another. I courted her; she was coy. We went into business together, I continued to court her. One Monday in June, 1992, she said "yes" and we were married in Hawaii the following Saturday.

Love grows, on both our parts. She knows I will provide for her and protect her. I know I am no longer alone. Being married is kinda nice.


New in Town
Dublin, Ireland
Perhaps, there is such thing as love as first sight.
It just happens to everyone when the at least expect it.
So, therefore its mainly lust at first sight???

Actually, this is a topic one would have to think over and over again.


One Too Many
Northern Virginia
I don't remember meeting Hubby for the first time, so it couldn't have been love at first sight, but he says he remembers seeing me for the first time. :) Before Hubby I had "stumbled" into dating a few guys, they asked me on a date and for lack of anything better to do I said ok. But Hubby... he was the first one I wanted to date. I, IMO, flirted shamelessly with him, even when we were dating other people. But in the end we ended up together, coming up on 14 years with 3 DD.

An LJ icon of us:



One Too Many
Beautiful stories everyone. :eusa_clap
I used to believe in love at first sight. It happened to me. The first time we met was in a pub. We shared a mutual friend, and one night he joined us for a pint. It was electric. I'm usually so lukewarm with men (because of my own insecurities, usually, and their aloof body language), that this was a bit unnerving. Since I have this inexplicable habit of being attracted to men who are already taken (I don't seek 'em out, I swear!), I asked my friend THREE TIMES if he was single. Yes, yes, and yes. Everytime we were in the same room with each other, he was all I could see. We were inseperable.
Then I asked him out. I wish he would have asked me first, but I found out that night why he hadn't. He had gotten back together with his long distance/long term girlfriend. Of course he didn't tell me this until AFTER we admitted to each other that we really liked each other and wanted more. Supposedly he and his girlfriend had agreed to have an 'open' relationship and would I want to still date him? Ummm...NO. I'm not just some side dish, jerk.
These days it would take A LOT for me to fall in love at first sight again. I'm too oblivious. :p


Practically Family
Los Angeles, CA
"LOVE at first sight" happens every night at closing time :cheers1:

not sure about love but I have fallen in lust at first sight and I fell in like many many times.....


Practically Family
Los Angeles, CA
I definitely believe people can feel an instant connection to each other in very rare circumstances. I don't think it happens often, and maybe it never happens to some people, but I think it can happen. Whether I'd define that as love, I don't know. I think love is something that takes intimacy, choice, sacrifice, and commitment, and none of those things can happen the first time two people's eyes meet.

Can you be stunned by someone's physical appearance, voice, grace of movement, laughter? Yes! Can it knock you through a loop? Oh yes. Can it lead to true love? I think it can, if that little seed of love is nurtured and cultivated with time.

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