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It's not that sort of store. On-line only. It's in an old machine shop east of Issaquah. ...
Small world that it is, I have friends out that way in the book business. One friend once had an interest in four bricks-and-mortar stores, back when we were dating, going on 30 years ago; she's now down to one. Another couple closed down their retail storefront more than a decade back and have been entirely online ever since. I recall asking one half of that couple, maybe 20 years back, if he was concerned that e-readers would kill the paper book biz. He shrugged and said that even if it does, that would just make the existing paper books more collectible, and that that would remain for as long as he need concern himself with it.
There are now businesses selling books by the pound. It's apparent that these books aren't being bought to be read. Interior decorators back up their Volvo station wagons to the loading dock.
It's not all to the worse. Innumerable volumes that might have gotten into print back before the digital age really don't warrant the use of physical resources now that there are "virtual" means of getting those words and images out into the world.
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