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Let's Be Gorgeous!


New in Town
Oh this thread is just lovely! I've been on a self-esteem rush lately - it feels a little self-indulgent and arrogant to like myself this much!

Here are things I like about myself, physically and otherwise:
- I have nice handwriting.
- I read a lot.
- I'm funny but know when to be serious.
- I'm smart but not smart-alecky. (I used to be, though, which only makes me even gladder now that I'm not anymore!)
- I've been sticking to my fitness routine, which feels fantastic!
- I have wonderful hair that I'm only *just* learning how to work with instead of putting it up all the time. (I'm considering cutting it shorter so I can't hide it in a ponytail anymore!)
- I have great legs from the knee down and am working on the thighs ;)
- My arms and hands are really slender.
- I'm finally achieving a figure I like and my newly discovered vintage look really complements it!
- I have great coloring and my skin is usually pretty clear.
- I have a really nice laugh!

I think everyone who posted to this thread should bookmark it for a day when you need a little confidence boost!


New in Town
Oh jeez, I totally forgot - NicolettaRose, I really like your poem! You use such concise but fitting imagery to describe such a simple, lovely thing - those are the types of poems I like to read, and write myself!

:eusa_clap :D

pigeon toe

One Too Many
los angeles, ca
CanadaDoll said:
This is a good thread to start Missy Vamp!:eusa_clap
WE do need to take a step back from self-criticism and realize that if we were meant to look one way we would, and that would be the end of that.
We're all different, and therefore all beautiful, fabulous and PERFECT! (thats right I said the P-word!) Changes for health are one thing, changes for society quite another.
Pigeon Toe don't feel poorly about your looks, cause I think you're beautiful, and between you and I, I've been so envious of your lovely hair.:)

Okay that's the end of today's soapbox:D

My best features, I think are my huge, green eyes, and the fact that I am tiny, I am often underestimated because of it, and I love the shocked expressions I get when I prove peoples' assumptions about me wrong.:D

You are so sweet! I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, I just think I'm going through that self-conscious phase NOW instead of high school. It's funny how I could be so confident back then when everyone else was probably so down in the dumps!

I'm tiny and got big eyes too, not to mention a small voice with a slight lisp. It's so funny when people hear me swear (you wouldn't know it from what I post here, but in real life I swear like a sailor), or get a sense of my dry, sarcastic humor. They are so shocked! I think they think all I talk and think about are kittens and bunnies.

And NicolettaRose, your poem reminded me of how much I used to love to write and what satisfaction it gave me. Maybe the reason why I've been so unhappy lately is because I have only been making art for school and not for myself (and I've given up writing entirely). Hmm, maybe I'll bust open my journal and start writing today. We'll see! :)


Practically Family
Toluca Lake, CA
starla said:
Oh jeez, I totally forgot - NicolettaRose, I really like your poem! You use such concise but fitting imagery to describe such a simple, lovely thing - those are the types of poems I like to read, and write myself!

:eusa_clap :D

Thanks...:) I think the true beauty in the world can be expressed through poetry and art.


One Too Many
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY
I dare not add all of the things that I think are great about me for fear that you all will think I'm super conceited :rolleyes: but,

I'm tall, and even though technically fat (not using it as a "bad" word, just a description), I have the greatest hourglass/pear shape. I have great curvy legs, nice round derriere, great eyes, skin, teeth, I love my hair and my skin, beautiful, brown and soft.

Then, I'm smart, funny, compassionate, artistic and all that other jazz.


One Too Many
I think we're so much harder on ourselves than we are on other people. I've learned to choke off some self-criticism, particularly in the presence of others, as it could be read as implied criticism of them as well. For example, if I grizzle about only being able to run my 10kms in around 50 mins, people I've known who struggle to run 5kms in 45 minutes have been hurt because they thought I despised their efforts. In fact I was talking only about myself and genuinely admire the efforts of others, but that's not how it sounds.

I have to catch myself when in the middle of self-flagellation over looks, ability, whatever. Would I stand by and let a friend call herself - or let anyone else call her - thick, ugly, fat, dull, etc? Nope.

So why do we often treat ourselves with less respect than we would treat others? We wouldn't turn these names on someone else. We'd do our best to convince a friend otherwise if she applied them to herself. But we maul our own psyches.

My family have said of me since I was a child - and with great affection and support - that I marched to the beat of a different drum. I've gradually come to accept that my own body (usually so much taller than that of my peers), my interests, by passions, are often out of synch with those around me. I've gradually learned to embrace that.

goldwyn girl

One Too Many
Sydney Australia and Las Vegas NV
NicolettaRose, that poem was lovely. I want some daffodils, they always signal spring to me.

mysterygal you are so right about models in magazines, they are unrealistic.

What do I like about me....... my nose, my hourglass figure, my sense of humor, the fact my nails grow long and hard with no effort and most importantly I aim to be the best friend I can be no matter the situation.

pretty faythe

One Too Many
Las Vegas, Hades
Mojito, my family has always basically said the same thing about me, but instead of that I march to the beat of a different drummer, they've flat out said I am strange and unusual. lol But in a good way, and I am proud of the fact that I have passed that treat of uniqueness on to my children. I have let them know that they are wierd, but its good to be wierd, it makes them unique in a world full of cookie cutters! I've let them know they can hang out with a group of people who consider themselves skaters or rockers, but still be themselves, they don't need to copy the trend to a tee, incorporate themselves into it.

Also, I think that the fact that we have realized the slightly not perfect perfections of ourselves is a good thing. We are paying attention to our bodies, our souls, our inner since of being, so we are also more apt to know if something is off kelter.

Something else that I admire about myself, I know when there is something wrong with me, even when the doctors think that I am just a crazy lady, and stick to it for them to realize it too!! lol


One Too Many
It's great that you've passed your joy and celebration of your differences - your wonderfully rich eccentricity - on to your children, Pretty Faythe! I have no children of my own, but it is generally acknowledged on both sides of her family, maternal and paternal, that my three-year-old niece is following in my footsteps...with her own inimitable flair. She loves animals, she loves my jewelery collection, and she loves my clothes. She is intense, imaginative, active and does her own thing. She is allowed to go through my jewelery drawers when supervised - even if I'm not there - and while I was away my sister noticed that one of my earrings was missing. She thought Princess Bling-Bling had lost it, and asked her what had happened to it.

"Spidey ate it!" responded the Princess promptly. My parents said it was like listening to me, reborn again as a child.

But, while I'm flattered that her little quirks and eccentricities are supposed to be like me (and we are the best of mates - they're on hols right now in Thailand, but every night she has to speak with me on the phone), she's not my shadow or another version of me. She is going to grow up to be her own, wonderfully rich and individualistic character. And we'll hopefully have a lot of fun together, with me as the mad old aunt who sweeps her off for glorious adventures in exotic countries.

I don't like to say positive things about myself - partly because we are raised not to be immodest, and not to say things that may be misconstrued as bragging. At the same time, my insecurities sometimes come out in bursts of what must sound like self-aggrandisement. I know I'm bright - I was the school Dux, scored 99% in the IOWA basic skills exam (the highest possible), have had my IQ tested at 140 and was a high achiever at Uni. Objectively, I know these are measures. But I feel uncomfortable even listing these things in a thread like this that celebrates our talents and beauty. And that's the objective, measurables elements of who I am! Subjectively, I don't even want to criticise how I look, because that makes people feel obligated to reassure you that you're being too harsh on yourself...like fishing for a compliment. I do, however, like my body when it is strong and healthy - I'm proud of what it can do. I've known it when it has been weak and sick, so I rejoice in it when I can run even a single km. And my green eyes are one thing I'd never change about my looks.

Ooops...apols...another essay.


One Too Many
Oh golly, how fun! It's been fascinating reading all this, ladies. I've had a smile on my lips just from learning how open and honest and happy you all can be. This is such a wonderful reality check. Speaking for myself, I know I'll always keep trying to look nice - but how wonderful to be confident that I'm terrific now! It even makes the work to look nicer just a pleased anticipation, not a stressful struggle. :)

What do I like about me? I've either got the book-larnin' down flat, or I'm a very, very savvy test-taker. :p 1600 on my SAT (missed one question), National Merit Scholar, three thousandths of a point short of graduating Summa Cum Laude from a big, good school. I'm a compulsive reader. Yes, truly compulsive. And I read very, very fast.

I have a very good memory for facts and for visuals (slightly photographic). I have found Bible verses more than once simply because I know where on the page it is. I might not remember if it's Isaiah or Jeremiah, but I know I can leaf rapidly through those 100+ chapters and find what I'm looking for. :D The muscle memory for my piano pieces is astounding. Once I know a piece I don't need the music; and I can sit down and play a piece I haven't played in years. If I can remember where to start my fingers... :D

Physically, I love my eyes. They're blue. BLUE blue. Not light blue, not gray blue, not steel blue, not blue green. They're not even dark blue, really; they're deep, deep, truly blue. Like the bluest sky, right above you on a clear spring day, not light and faded anywhere near the horizon. Any color from periwinkle to royal blue to navy brings them out.

I'm tall - 5'9" - and my heels make me nearly 6'. Very long legs, lovely from the knee down. Pretty feet and toes, not big, especially for my height. I'm at a very good weight, with a small waist (especially for my height) and a definite hourglass figure. My hair is on the thick side and more than a little coarse; but it's strong and grows fast and long. I just got it cut "short" - to the bottom edge of my bra strap. It's a wonderful warm dark blonde that's like dark honey and toffee and can never, ever be done out of a bottle.

My hands are long; the palm is rectangular, not square. My fingers are long and slender, but not scrawny or bony. They're strong and flexible. My nails would grow long and strong if I didn't keep them trimmed. I can reach a 10th on the piano, or do more hand-sewing in an afternoon than many women do in their lives.

Aaaaand.... I like to write, a bit, and apparently enjoy characterization and description a great deal. Because this is a lot longer than most of the posts so far. :p


Sunny said:
Aaaaand.... I like to write, a bit, and apparently enjoy characterization and description a great deal. Because this is a lot longer than most of the posts so far.

Hehehe, me too, I didn't realize I wrote so much. Three cheers for having so much we like about our selves. And three cheers for liking to talk about ourselves lol

I love, love, love that I am tall. I am 6' and I recently gained 20 pounds, so my scrawny frame finally has some curves, which I adore! I feel like a woman instead of a stick. I just don't want to gain anymore :p

I too have very long, slender fingers; my hands are the same size as my hubby's who is 6'2".

I like my face. My eyes change color from green to blue and its fun. My nose was pretty much destroyed in a car accident, but I like the scars, they give me character. It’s a bit crooked now, and some days that bothers me, but mostly, its ok.

I am quirky and complex but amazingly simple at the same time. I laugh easily and love passionately. I am smart and I love to read, especially Roman history. I am opinionated but compassionate. I am a geek and play World of Warcraft, and I am proud of my uber druid abilities lol I was an all-star basketball player. I couldn't play now if my life depended on it, but I was very proud of my dedication to something I was TERRIBLE at.

I wasn't so confidant, once. Its strange how I grew to be comfortable with who I was. I needed some cash in college, and one of my friends was a model for the art department. I decided to try it because it scared me, and I tackle my fears head-on.

I was amazed at how beautiful the pictures were that people drew of me. When I asked if that was what I really looked like, they all responded affirmatively. I had no idea that my lines were so graceful and elegant. After that, if I thought I was beautiful nude, I knew I looked good with clothes on lol The art professors were so wonderful it was truly a good experience.

Also, being a punk made me very proud of whom I was. I walked tall and proud and I looked people in the eye. I was beautiful with a mohawk and I had the most wonderful sense of style. Even when I graduated and dressed conservatively, I knew that woman still lived inside me, and that made me very proud. I challenged convention and was willing to be my own person. It felt good.

Basicly, I like me. :D


Practically Family
NW Indiana
Wow, if I listed all the things I like about myself I'd come across as conceited and egotistical, but the major things I love about myself are...

  • I'm creative (poetry, photography, music)
  • I've got a wicked sense of humor (both wicked in a dark sense and wicked in a good way)
  • I'm very passionate about the things I'm interested in (Chernobyl, WWII are the two major interests)
  • I've got wonderfully thick hair
  • my skin is darn pretty (I hardly get blemishes, touch wood!)
  • I've got a great bosom :)
  • my smile's pretty great too
  • my teeth are naturally perfect
  • I love to help other people
  • I am great with kids and animals (sometimes they are one in the same, no?)
  • I'm a great listener, and have a knack for being able to tell when some one just wants to be left alone (I think this makes me a great friend, but what do I know!)
  • I'm silly (that is the understatement of the year!)
  • I'm proud of where I came from and where I'm going...I'm proud to be me!

Thanks for making us stop and think about the things on the inside that make us goddesses, instead of focusing on the outside! :D


New in Town
This thread is so awesome! It´s so good for us ladies to remind ourselves of our good qualities in this crazy critical world.

my best qualities:

-my eyes (sparkling and hazel! :) )

-my natural sense of style

-my hourglass figure

-my vintage singing voice (have been taking lessons for 2 years)

-I´m quite a skillful poet

-I´m very driven,intelligent and ambitious

-and finally my impeccable eye for male beauty! :)

Have a good day ladies and remember: YOU ARE PERFECT JUST FOR BEING YOU!

pigeon toe

One Too Many
los angeles, ca
Oh goodness, since my other post was so short and slightly negative, I've decided to indulge!

I love:

- my vintage hourglass figure
- my massive amounts of thick hair that holds curl really well
- my chubby thighs
- my intuition when it comes to photography and art
- the fact that I must be really bright considering I have ADD and went undiagnosed for so long. It was a struggle (still is, I decided to go off my medication this quarter and it's been the most unproductive and disappointing 10 weeks of my life), but it's just a testament to how smart I am.
- I'm secretly really smug that I know way more about music and cars than any other girl I know and therefore get along with the boys better! ;)
- But I am also one of the most feminine-looking girls I know.


One of the Regulars
Chicago, IL
LOVE this thread, what a brilliant idea....

.... we all need this from time to time.

Well, lets see what I can come up with:

~ I have a pretty voluptuous shape that looks great in vintage. (Or as some of my friends so delicately put it, "Girl, your boobs look huuuuuge in that dress!!!".... hahaha, I laughed for days)

~ I'm decently tall with a great set of gams--I look great in heels, and know how to work 'em!

~ I've got lovely auburn/brown curly hair that receives many complements.

~ I love singing in my low, jazzy, and belting voice, and do so as often as I can without annoying all my friends and family!

Guess I'll stop there before I let this get to my head!

Take pride in your beauties, ladies! ;)


A-List Customer
Berlin, Germany
I love it too to be very tall (I am 6 feet tall) and slim.

I have naturally wavy hair.

I like my dark brown eyes and my lips.

I am a great listener

I am quite sensitive

I am very well organized, that a great talent.

Fleur De Guerre

Call Me a Cab
Walton on Thames, UK
Goldleaf, you've made me start to wonder if I don't have a case of mild ADD! I'm actually half joking, but I have a real problem with staying awake in meetings at work no matter what time of day and find it really hard to concentrate a lot. During school and college I could spend an entire 3 hours in a class and not remember a single word said. Though in classes I enjoyed I was riveted. I always zone out if I am interested in something and don't hear when people talk to me, yet can't tune out background noise when I am trying to clear my mind. I often can't concentrate on work if I don't have enough to do and find myself procrastinating (ie on the FL/whatever) when I could be doing something useful to fill the time.

I think possibly I might just be lazy and work-shy though. lol

Small Town Girl

One of the Regulars
The Olde Dominion
This was such a great idea!!! I often come across as being conceited because of my confidence:eek: This isn't to say that I think that I am prettier than everyone else,but I am pretty and I know it.I have a great figure(my mom tells me that I'm really "stacked").I have beautiful hair that is really dark brown and it holds curl quite well.I have pretty big brown eyes and a nice jaw line.

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