Maybe this picture makes it more blatant than it really is? The grain looks very nice andthe jacket is simple to better showcase the grain of that bullhide.
I think it could look good with a t-shirt and a decent pair of blue jeans.
It does look too try hard on the website though
Just too much for me. What I like about fc for example is they'll choose sections with very pronounced grain to catch your eye but not have it throughout the entire jacket, or mix different types of grain between panels.
I don't think the jacket itself looks bad at all. Standard & Strange makes even the most attractive products look terrible.
Ah Ah! I don't know them much, but the way they dressed their model to showcase the jacket... no comment![]()
I strongly believe that every so often, we need to be reminded of this absolute mega-cringe. Of all the jacket related horrors that I have seen, this bozo is among the top three.
I must have missed this. Who is it? Give me some context.
EDIT: Loool, I see Stew added some hard whining about the complaints this image has gotten him.
Wild boars are machine-gunned in Texas from helicopters. They are bad. This dude, if he indeed killed one with (what is it, some kind of a spear?) has some serious balls. And come to think of it, as cheesy as it looks, the LW jacket protects him better than some camo. No problem with the pic for me.
I guess I'm missing the point of concern here. Are you objecting to the killing of the boar, the wearing of the jacket while doing so, or the cheesy photograph? If the dead boar is the cause for concern, it's because you've never lived anywhere that feral swine have destroyed a large part of the habitat other native animals depend on (including the destroying of the animals themselves, including turkey nests and deer fawns).
If it's just the silliness of the photograph, and posting it on a website, then yes, I object as well.![]()
It's just a massive cringe-fest. Boar is a nasty animal and I'm scared to death of them so it's not the boar.
The photo is silly. I mean, just take a normal rifle like a normal person and shoot the thing. Guy is posing over a dead boar, wearing a $2000 dollars leather jacket and the most shit spear ever made. It has duct-tape on it!
It's just a massive cringe-fest. Boar is a nasty animal and I'm scared to death of them so it's not the boar.
The photo is silly. I mean, just take a normal rifle like a normal person and shoot the thing. Guy is posing over a dead boar, wearing a $2000 dollars leather jacket and the most shit spear ever made. It has duct-tape on it!
Same dude would look the other way if a mean looking dude were breaking into a car on the streets of Philadelphia.
You make definitive statements about a guy you don't know. That's your definition of common sense?Common sense