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Improving Communities: What do you do?


Practically Family
I don't do enough.

I need to get involved with DC Public Libraries and also my neighborhood association.

My neighborhood in DC once had a number of little independent shops. I could walk down to the street and pick up a snack, soda or a six-pack from a little market. The owner was Ethiopian and he was the nicest guy. One day he had a sign up that said "Ethiopian speciality $5.00" I asked him what it was and he said it was "tibs" and that he was out but if I wanted it he'd make it special for me someday. He did and it was awesome. One day I left my wallet at home and he said "I'm closing soon come back and pay me tomorrow." I said "Oh gosh, I can't do that." He looked suprised and said "You are one of my regular customers, please, come back tomorrow or whenver, don't worry!" His store closed and now it's a Subway franchise. Also, we had a little Persian restaurant. When I was very ill for an extended period of time the owner always asked how I was. If a friend or relative went in to pick up some food at his restaurant for me he would ask them similar questions. He never once pried for details, he just wanted to make sure I was okay.

Now we have a lot of bars. Two are owned by the same group of guys. One of the bars was frequented by the Bush twins when they lived here. It tends to have a preppy crowd - in the Spring there are lots of "popped collars." I think two more are opening. We also have two "gentlemen's" clubs. I really wish they were not in my neighborhood. :( However, I'm thankful that there have only been one or two murders and an occasionally assult in front of them since I've lived here. :eusa_doh:
Barry said:
However, I'm thankful that there have only been one or two murders and an occasionally assult in front of them since I've lived here. :eusa_doh:

Man, it looks like you are going to have to get involved if you want your neighborhood to stay that way. I would first go to as many of your local Board of Zoning meetings in your area as possible if you have such a thing. That is where those people have to go to get permits to open those kinds of places. If you don't like who wants to open up then go all out and make public comments inform your neighbors (make sure to get the phone numbers of those board members; they really respond to that;) ). Those places just don't appear overnight in most cases. You can stop them or at least slow them down enough to make a difference.
Like my father used to say: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Start squeaking. ;)




Practically Family
jamespowers said:
You can stop them or at least slow them down enough to make a difference.
Like my father used to say: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Start squeaking. ;)



You are right. They are slowing down a bit. The "clubs" have been here for a long, long time. I think they are realizing that times are changing. Robert Hanssen, the spy for the Soviet Union, met his lady friend at the club on my side of the street. About two blocks north? The Russian Embassy.


Daisy Buchanan

My Mail is Forwarded Here
It's nice to hear about other peoples community action.
Currently, I'm not really involved in the community. I do shop at the local mom&pop, and frequently order out from the local smaller restaurants.
I know, I should be more involved in the community where I own my house. The neighborhood I live in is really not a family neighborhood. I think the people who are populating it are either college students, singles who just graduated, or young couples who don't have any children. I do know a majority of the people in my building, which is quite the feat considering it has nearly70 condos. I am involved with the board of trustees, go to meetings that are held in regards to the building. There are about 7 people on my floor alone that I socialize with. Often, when I bake or cook something, I make up little packages for my neighbors.
So, I guess you could say that I'm involved in a sub-set of my community, that being the large apartment building I live in. It is a step in the right direction. I think that if I were married I'd be more involved. If I had children, I'd definitely get involved.

As I stated in another thread, I grew up in a very tight knit community, where everboy knew everyone else. All the kid's played together and all the adults had lot's of get togethers.The adults in the neighborhood didn't just look after their own kids, but all of us. My neighborhood is still like this. My parents are still very active in the community, and have forged very good friendships with the other people in the neighborhood. They play golf together, majohng, have big super bowl and playoff parties, travel to foreign places in large groups. I'm a bit jealous of the social lives that they have:)
I hope that when I get married and have kids I move into a neighborhood like the one my parents live in.
Daisy Buchanan said:
I know, I should be more involved in the community where I own my house. The neighborhood I live in is really not a family neighborhood. I think the people who are populating it are either college students, singles who just graduated, or young couples who don't have any children. I do know a majority of the people in my building, which is quite the feat considering it has nearly70 condos. I am involved with the board of trustees, go to meetings that are held in regards to the building. There are about 7 people on my floor alone that I socialize with. Often, when I bake or cook something, I make up little packages for my neighbors.

Just doing that is better than 60% of the people I know around here. That is pretty good as far as I am concerned. Its all about knowing what is going on around you so you can either do something about it or affirm it. Its what I call your ability to complain index. ;)
Complain all you want about the condos because you did what you could with the board. :D




I'll Lock Up
Shining City on a Hill
Twitch,, San Leandro can outdo South Gate in terms of nutcase, ethnic political machines. We're still being run by the same group of machine gears from the 1940's!:eek: Albertson's closed down their downtown store which was a Lucky's after 57 years. They could no longer make a profit there. So the new owners of the building want to put in a Grocery Outlet and a small group of people got the City to put a moratorium on new development downtown for 45 days. These people want a Trader Joes and Trader Joes has been telling them for 10 YEARS that San Leandro does not even come close to their income and educational demographic.lol There can't be any sense of community when businesses are told to leave!:eek: I do what I can to keep involved but when there's stunts like this; it gets discouraging.

I like to eat at the locally owned restaurants because I just find it weird that I can eat something in Oakland and it tastes just like the restaurant in Nashville.

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