As well you should. Each to his own, etc. I expect handmade items to have mistakes; I don't mind at all and, if people do, they should return said items to avoid nagging worries and fretting. Asking others for advice is generally zero sum when looking for validation unless the advisor capitulates to ease worry - which most people do, as worried people aren't much fun. I don't know whether being obsessively specific and exacting is normal - I genuinely mean that - and I wonder if perceived defects might not be more an issue of neurosis than of actual (unavoidable or corrected without people even knowing) flaws. But, it's up to individuals to decide.I think it's perfectly normal to focus on details like these.
The more I pay for a product the more I expect the product, its details and the buying experience as a whole to be perfect. What else would I be paying big bucks for if not perfection and attention to detail?
If I go to a Michelin star restaurant I focus more on details than when eating at Denny's. Not only do I expect good tasting food, I also expect the dish to look good and my chair to be pulled out. Anything less and I'm dissatisfied.
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