It may be easier to ask Aero to make the same jacket in horsehide at a cost price $800.
Curious the amounts being talked about are in $. The buyer uses euros and the original vendor £ !
That's a good suggestion that could get Alex a HH jacket and save him a lot of headache. However, he won't get the IH zipper, which a think he likes.
Hmm, that doesn't give IH the right to confiscate his jacket schitzo just because somebody's a bit bilshy. Just look at the difference in reaction between holly and Giles to. It's called professionalism.
Gonna have to go with Schitzo on this one. Alex threw a temper tantrum all over the intraweb and seriously back stabbed those trying to help him. He deserves the refund and the door, from Aero, IH, and FL.
i have a legal costs is not a problem for me !
Given the lighter weight of FQHH, I'd prefer to go with that over steer. I really wish there were tell-tale signs to look for in the grain/hide to determine exactly what has been purchased, just so frustrating not to know for sure.
These jackets were my favorite clothing items I've ever bought, and now the credentials of one, if not both, are in question. Are they fine jackets regardless, sure - but I feel like I might have been snookered, and overpaid for product that was not as advertised or presented. IMO, Aero needs to get back to the office before 1/7/13 and start addressing the forum (and their customers') concerns. This is material fraud, and am astounded that something like this could have taken place.
It's like buying a diamond you thought was very high quality only to find out you really purchased a cubic zirconia.
Another sign that the apocalypse is upon us!
And while I'm at it, what does bilshy/bolshy mean?
Just imagine all those fools who buy vintage jackets and paying top dollar for them and then finding out the jackets were faked. Now that is sad. Materialistic boys will be materialistic boys.
"bolshy" - derived, bizarrely, from "bolshevic". originally described someone with radical ideas, but generally used now simply to mean obstinate or stroppy![]()