Hemp hats are they legal in all 50 states. I know in Idaho they say .3%THC but dont know what Stetson Hemp hats are. Just got an Email from Stetson It's a different Hemp. I feel dumb.
The hemp plants used to make textiles and the plants used for medicinals are different. There is some thc in the textile plants but not enough to give any kind of pyschotropic effect. As you say it is usually less than .3%. Medicinal and recreational marijuana are (according to Google) generally 19-25% thc. In other words, the difference is massive.
So I don't think "legal levels" of thc in hemp textiles is really an issue since they are essentially two different plants.
Can you dry out a medicinal hemp plant and make textiles out of it? I guess you could, but why?
Stetson might be talking about Manila Hemp, also called Abaca. They started calling it Manila Hemp when it was used to replace Cannibis hemp for naval cordage and rope. These days,, genuine Manila hemp rope is getting expensive and has been largely replaced by nylon and other synthetics
Manila Hemp, Abaca, is a beautiful fiber and the finest grades can even be used to weave shirt fabric. Cannabis hemp is suitable for weaving a coarse burlap, at best.
Abaca comes from a species of banana, in the family Zingiberaceae. All Zingiberaceae have very long and strong fibers that run from the top to the bottom of the stem. I have made straw hats with another Zingiberaceae, the Torch Ginger. Should show them here some time.
Yes, you can extract fiber for textiles from Medical Cannabis stalks. It's very tedious though unless you have a decorticating machine. Here, in Hawaii, it is easier to get a permit to grow medical Cannabis than it is to get a permit to grow field hemp. The medical permit comes from the state but the field hemp permit comes from federal USDA. The USDA permit application requires, among other things, a copy of an FBI criminal history report. While our state medical permit is easier to get, only a limited number of plants can be grown at one time. It would take years to legally accumulate enough stalks to make a hat.
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