Beautiful jacket Jonesy, but Tell us the story.. where did you even see that this was available? Im sure that he made this sample in his size, as he always does but was it posted on his sales page?
Yea jonesy86...TALK
p.s. I'm Very Jealous steve
Congrats to you first!
But honesty I really don't see much different from some of jackets Aero made, there are many nice example of 1930 half belt Aero made, in my opinion, Aero looks better.
Teach me if I am wrong.
Thanks Hh121
I am not able to do any teaching on this subject as I am only a student. Many other more knowledgeable folks could certainly point out the differences and I welcome their opinions along with yours. The first jacket I bought in this genre was a Aero HBD seal vicenza. It is still one of my favorite jackets. I like the leather as it is not too heavy for horse hide, and is starting to show some nice grain with wear. The cut is also a little longer and looser than other half belts which I like very much. I own 3 Aero's all of different leather and design. I like Aero jackets.
I think that the Aero Original Hercules is their version of the exact same jacket and it looks very nice.
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I don't think I would trade it for the one I have though. Can't exactly explain it, but I really really like Good Wear Leather Coat Co. jackets.
I really don't see much different from some of jackets Aero made
@Hh121I kind of envy you not knowing the difference between an aero and a GW.
@Boyo and @steve u
I don't think it's a difficult one to work out. When John has a jacket to sell be it an unexpected return or prototype etc he looks in his little black book and if there's a customer he knows it'll fit well who he feels/or knows would be interested he offers them first option before putting on the sales page.
@Hh121 I kind of envy you not knowing the difference between an aero and a GW. In short one is made by a good machinest with good materials who comes in every day and turns in an honest shift. The other is made by the biggest leather jackets geek on the planet with obsessive attention to detail the likes of which you and I will never fully comprehend, not to mention his third dan black belt skills set. When you hold one even if you don't know all of the why what you do know for sure is that JC is the undisputed heavy weight champ! Basically his queue is so long because it's clogged up with repeat customers (******** you bastards!).
So hang in there @Boyo @Carlos it's gonna be worth it
I am one of ‘those’ clients who is very particular about certain aspects of the jacket and how it is done. Of all the makers I have met and / or spoken to prior to ordering, JC has been the most thorough of all when it comes to the details that only I care about or will ever see and my incessant questions about those details. If there was some micro detail that he didn’t think of, I would, and he’d happily go down that rabbit hole with me for as long as it took. I was fortunate enough to meet him not just to talk jackets, but to also be measured by him for my Ventura. This was after hours of phone conversations, a tome of back and forth emails, and then more hours of jacket talk when we met. If you want to talk jackets all day, he’ll keep up with you all the way and then some. There are others in the jacket community who are also very passionate and knowledgeable, with the same obsession to details. What sets JC apart is that not only does he possess that same passion and vast knowledge, but is also able to successfully execute the next step of transforming that passion into a product.
Congrats to you first!
But honesty I really don't see much different from some of jackets Aero made, there are many nice example of 1930 half belt Aero made, in my opinion, Aero looks better.
Teach me if I am wrong.
Very nice leather and fabulous pattern, congrats Jonesy!
That is one epic jacket!
Very nice.
I'm intrigued by the extra textile collar on the original - looks like a separate piece that can be flipped up or down as desired? Not something I've seen on any repop. I could imagine it being great for those who find a leather collar cold or chaffing in some circumstances, or who worry that wearing it against their bare neck (in an uncollared shirt) will affect the leather.