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Ghosts of the Golden Era


I'll Lock Up
Melbourne, Australia
Although I'm a strictly nonreligous person, I do believe in ghosts. People have believed in ghosts for centuries so to my mind, there has to be something out there. But I would only ever wish to be haunted by friendly ghosts. The kind that would wake me up by levitating a pot of tea over to my bedside table each morning.

Amy Jeanne

Call Me a Cab
I'm staying in a hotel next month and it's supposedly haunted. When I researched it online I was delighted to find that out! Maybe I am weird, but I would love to have a ghostly encounter as an adult. I've seen a ghost when I was child, but never as an adult.

In this hotel, a woman apparently killed herself by throwing herself into the elevator shaft in 1936. I found a death record of a woman with the same name who died in 1936 in the same city. Her cause of death was "fractured skull." I wonder if it was the same? She is said to haunt this hotel wearing a blue dress and an orange hat.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I've had some odd experiences at the theatre over the years -- doors open where they should have been closed, and closed where they should have been open, odd sensations of not being alone in the place when I know I am, stuff like that. It's a joke among the staff that the building is haunted by "Ida," the woman who ran the theatre from 1940 to 1979, and had a rather commanding personality, but I haven't actually *seen* anything.

However, there was an incident a few weeks ago that really gave me the creeps. I was there alone one morning doing some work in the projection booth, and when I came downstairs I noticed the light in the stairwell was blinking -- blinking in a regular pattern. I watched it do this for a while, and noticed that the pattern seemed to be my initials in Morse code, over and over again. Then it stopped. And then it started again, flashing another pattern, and I didn't stop to try and figure out what it was. If Ida's sending me messages, she can call me on the phone or leave a note.

Miss Golightly

Call Me a Cab
Dublin, Ireland
However, there was an incident a few weeks ago that really gave me the creeps. I was there alone one morning doing some work in the projection booth, and when I came downstairs I noticed the light in the stairwell was blinking -- blinking in a regular pattern. I watched it do this for a while, and noticed that the pattern seemed to be my initials in Morse code, over and over again. Then it stopped. And then it started again, flashing another pattern, and I didn't stop to try and figure out what it was. If Ida's sending me messages, she can call me on the phone or leave a note.

That gave me the creeps good and proper.

I have often said that I would love to experience something supernatural but some tales I have heard have put me off. There was one re-enacted on BBC1 years ago about a couple who were living in an old enough house - lots of odd things had happened from time to time - odd messages coming up on their PC screen, the lady walked into the kitchen and saw lots of pots stacked up in the middle of the room and then quickly dropping to the ground - stuff like that. The thing that creeped me out the most was when one day the husband came home and went upstairs to change out of his suit - he came down to his wife and said "I love what you've done upstairs" - she hadn't a clue what he was on about so she went up to have a look - the whole of the upstairs of the house was decorated in Christmas decorations. Creepy.


One of the Regulars
I don't believe in ghosts but if they existed, I'd like to become a ghost myself. I'd get me all the right ghost equipment, white sheets and set of chains and I'd have a lot of fun professionally freaking out everybody. I would like to operate in an enchanted fancy house, just like Norman Bates place. That would be nice.

The Lonely Navigator

Practically Family
I haven't had any ghost encounters, although I don't doubt that such things could happen (this may seem odd considering I'm a 'spiritual' person). I have had other experiences though that fall way outside of this, but I will not discuss them unless I feel really safe.

If anyone had wondered - I'm Agnostic with elements of Finnish Paganism thrown in.

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Without trying to offend anybody, if for whatever reason, I don't actually believe in "ghosts," (I believe in the existence of angels and demons though) nor have I ever claimed to have had an encounter with any such thing, but is anybody else here familiar with the "hat man" or "shadow people" phenomenon?

Read a bit about it at Wikipedia, for example...



Interesting, but I haven't heard of it until now, I was just wondering if anyone here claims to have had a sighting of one of these mysterious figures. They apparently wear fedora hats and trench coats.

What sort of encounters, if you're willing to share some stories? I'm usually curious when someone mentions this sort of thing, although I see it differently.

I have heard of the 'shadow people.' There are so many different and fascinating accounts of such things, and also the Mothman and Spring-heeled Jack, etc. I'm fascinated by such things and am always reading about them. ;0

I've been on a few 'ghost hunts' but haven't encountered anything except people freaking out, who claim to be psychics and such. I'm a skeptic, I'll believe it when I see it. However, it doesn't take my fascination for the topic away! Anything weird I enjoy. Ha ha.

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Mr Vim

One Too Many
Juneau, Alaska
My great grannie had a dream that she told my grandmother, my mother and I about.

She was laying in bed when she heard a polite knock. She told the person to come in and in walked a man in a military uniform, she said he looked like he was from WWII, he was well dressed, shoes shined, hair slicked back and he walked into the room and calmly sat down in a chair and told her...

"Granny, I don't want you to be scared, but I thought I would come and tell you that I am coming to take you soon."

She said she wasn't scared and she thanked him for his notice. He stood and patted his hand on the bedspread and then walked out of the room. We asked who the man was and she looked at us funny and said

"Why it was the Angel of Death." And even though she was calm, it still put a chill in me.

Two weeks later she was gone.


One Too Many
Plainfield, CT
A couple of friends of mine are into the whole modern day ghost busting deal, and let me tell you, they never return without a story. I believe there's a plausible scientific explanation for every paranormal experience, even if I don't have the knowledge to put such forth. I don't believe in the existence of souls or spirits of any sort. I certainly don't think I have one, at the very least. That said, I wouldn't mind sticking around as a ghost if the option presented itself.

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