the leather for sure is like a one in a million years gem... I do need cash...
Ton, it seems to have all the features you usually prefer - quite thick and quite heavy waxy leather, slightly longer body than usual, longer sleeves, enough armpits and shoulders (not excessively wide but enough for athletic frame). It might fit you like a perfect gorgeous glove. It's gorgeous and at the same time this jacket is a real badass thing because of the pattern and moreover - because of the leather. Look at that natural Horween, man! There's no need to comment its advantages - they're obvious. And those cord lined cuffs, cord under collar - oh man!Lately I have to believe the universe is testing me. It’s like a sick joke. Jesus man you should cling to this jacket like grim death. You’ll likely never have another crack at this and it’s the absolute peak of Goodwear jackets. And it’s heavy hide. If I had a pot to piss in I would snatch this up and drive to your location to pick it up. I realize I have zero credibility as someone offering counsel not to sell... but man. Seriously think about it. Barring that please wait until I have the $ to buy it.
It looks a bit large if anything.
Even better looking from the rear. Great looking shoulder gussets... Wow man........
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It's quite similar to your Thedi's size and fit.Wish I am bigger guy