We'll be sure to take a look at the new section of the Lake James Park, thanks. I hope you don't give up kayaking. Even at 63, I still enjoy a lazy paddle on flat water. I like getting out on the lakes when the water is low. A few years back we made it to Badin and Falls Lake (Yadkin/Peedee) when it was so dry all over NC and upper SC. What an interesting sight.
You are going to reel me in with the Roma's Pizza place, Mr. Big. That is a must do.
In my "younger days" I used to do some sea kayaking. I especially enjoyed kayaking around some of the islands along the NC and SC coast, as well as into the marsh areas. Good fishing and good wildlife looking opportunities. It was also something that my two boys enjoyed doing, too. On one trip, "something" big bumped the bottom of my wife's kayak, and that was just about the last trip she took with us in the ocean. Of course this was on the heels of getting caught in a lightning storm while rock climbing, so her definition of a "fun time in the outdoors"and mine took a divergent course.
My kayak is now with my boys. I don't really fit good in one (never really did). I enjoy flat water, but would like to have some kind of boat that was a little less "restrictive" than a kayak.