View attachment 151333 Didn't need them, but had to have them. New in box Craigslist purchase this weekend. White's Smoke Jumpers, model 400v $200.00 and I didn't dicker the price
I generally try to avoid Chinese goods on general principles. It isn't so much that they are from China as it is that I try not to support any company who wants me to pay the same or a higher price for a product today that I paid a year or two ago when it was made here by someone making a living in favor of making it in a place where they pay a dollar an hour and have nets around the building to keep employees from jumping off and killing themselves. I am well aware that no company cares about my piddling purchase, but if we had collectively stuck Jack Welch's Chinese toasters up his backside 30+ years ago we would be living in a different country now.I used to want a pair of Cabelas Kangaroo boots pretty badly, which were likely made by Browning or in the same factory. Kept putting them on the backburner. I think they're all now made in China. Correct me if I'm wrong about that. I don't have "a thing" against that in general. I don't think twice about that most of the time, but with certain type products, it bugs me for some reason. Boots are one of them.
Can't blame anyone but ourselves, particularly Boomers and their parents. They absolutely builteth, but they also absolutely tooketh away. The Vietnamese didn't come up with outsourcing. The Chinese didn't either. And neither of them came up with replacing pensions and a living wage with 401K plans and eradicating organized labor. Now everyone is involved with Wall Street, and nobody wants to give up their piece of the pie, no matter how minuscule it might be. Everyone else be damned. Their few hundred dollars in dividends every year is well worth the future of their grandkids and beyond.I generally try to avoid Chinese goods on general principles. It isn't so much that they are from China as it is that I try not to support any company who wants me to pay the same or a higher price for a product today that I paid a year or two ago when it was made here by someone making a living in favor of making it in a place where they pay a dollar an hour and have nets around the building to keep employees from jumping off and killing themselves. I am well aware that no company cares about my piddling purchase, but if we had collectively stuck Jack Welch's Chinese toasters up his backside 30+ years ago we would be living in a different country now.
This is not from direct experience. I don't own such boots. However, I have seen loads of photos, and this seems to be normal break-in. You could ask the Reddit forum about this. They do expensive footwear like some people do Starbucks. It's nuts. Or at least they used to be.Viberg soft toe advices: I need help on deciding on a pair of Viberg. I saw two pairs retailed at the NYC store Freeman Sporting Goods. Extremely substantial, thick Horween (thicker than most Alden and anyone who uses CXL, comparable to Mister Freedom RC). Importantly the toe box was flat and already has that cleavage thing. However, none of the boots or shoes on their website appear to look like that, even the “unstructured” ones. Any experiences with them developing the cleavage? Much appreciated!
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Wearing my White’s Semi Dress to church this morning... emphasis on the “dress”. What? These are work boots and this is where I work!
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What is the advantage to the Filson insert? I've tried the IR's although they're much too wide for my foot. It's next to impossible to find a well fitting, well made, USA work or dress boot in a 10.5N....Iron Ranger with Filson insert, pure heaven. Without the insert, road to hell...![]()
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Gotcha, thanks for the info.The Filson insert/insole is a cork/foam design, it proves traction (no blister, more efficient energy transmission), and cushion. The IR has a bulbous toe so it allows a cushioned insert to be in there without reducing toe ceiling height
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regius, what are those?