Super cute.
This morning we got word that the matriarch of Hubby's family slipped away from us, and joined her beloved on the other side. We are especially heartbroken as she was our Lily's namesake. A lovely woman her entire life. We will greatly miss her.
I am so sorry. My condolences.This morning we got word that the matriarch of Hubby's family slipped away from us, and joined her beloved on the other side. We are especially heartbroken as she was our Lily's namesake. A lovely woman her entire life. We will greatly miss her.
This morning we got word that the matriarch of Hubby's family slipped away from us, and joined her beloved on the other side. We are especially heartbroken as she was our Lily's namesake. A lovely woman her entire life. We will greatly miss her.
Sorry for your and your family's loss Babydoll. It's great that the elder Lily and your daughter got to share a few years of their lives together. Treasure those memories.
My condolences Babydoll.
A beautiful image that brings to mind the wonderful times that I shared with my grandma
when I was Lily’s age. Although the face of the lady is different, the look of love in her eyes
and warm embrace is the same as my grandma's.
I was just telling Hubby that grandmas are magical creatures. They are able to love unconditionally in a very intense and intimate way that our parents can't. It is as though being a generation removed allows them to be able to see and give what we really need from them. I am so glad that he has such great memories of her. She was spunky, tough, sweet, strong, loving, caring, and wonderful. <3
That first picture is magical. Down the road many years, it will be one he treasures more than most.
My girl. Where did my baby go?