Good afternoon gents,
I've been searching but I'm not finding any useful information. I could use some education on top hats.
I found myself at an event this past weekend and again next week where a top hat would be a welcome addition. I however know next to nothing about them and I'm not finding anything beyond the usual "Hey look at me guys! I r Rich! Hurrrrr!" Type articles or on here the Toppers Unite thread. I don't want to derail that one so I thought I would ask you knowledgeable folks.
What are the things I need to look for in a topper? What are some basics to avoid? What are good sources? My local places only have ratty Topps that can't be restored.
Basically please teach me your ways oh wise Top hatted ones.
I've been searching but I'm not finding any useful information. I could use some education on top hats.
I found myself at an event this past weekend and again next week where a top hat would be a welcome addition. I however know next to nothing about them and I'm not finding anything beyond the usual "Hey look at me guys! I r Rich! Hurrrrr!" Type articles or on here the Toppers Unite thread. I don't want to derail that one so I thought I would ask you knowledgeable folks.
What are the things I need to look for in a topper? What are some basics to avoid? What are good sources? My local places only have ratty Topps that can't be restored.
Basically please teach me your ways oh wise Top hatted ones.