Lounger sold amazing Stetson Bantam
Whatever the size turns out to be, someone got a deal on this killer old western
Whatever the size turns out to be, someone got a deal on this killer old western
Here's the Borsalino I won on eBay today, paid a pretty penny but it what I wanted.
Check out this ebay auction:
Vintage -Confederate- Civil War Uniform Kepi Hat/Cap
These fools are bidding nearly $200 on a REPRODUCTION kepi! It isn't "vintage" at all. It's some reenactor's dirty fake kepi.
And the description is a masterful effort at subterfuge. Using buzz words like "vintage" and "memorabilia" and "early design" as if he were describing something of actual worth.
What's that whole saying of a "sucker born every minute"??
Whatever the size turns out to be, someone got a deal on this killer old western
What do these go for new? Because it looks like someone paid $178 for a cap that someone else has (relatively recently) beaten into the ground. Iow, it really doesnt matter how old it is, unless it was used in the Civil War, afaic.
Well, alrighty, then!hwell:
When I did the 125 Anniversary series 25 years ago, we tried to stay true & during a year, you would attend other battles that are done annually that happened during different years of the War.
What you see as problems are the benefits I'm after. Look through the Borso thread and run a search on Stack posts by Dinerman.
...... Oh well, there's always scotch-