I'm not as reliable with the larger Talons, they did come into use during WWII but largely didn't disseminate into fashions until the 1960s (though there were some exceptions, like the paperclip pull large zip on early '50s Durables, etc). That chunky Talon is probably '70s. The ring pull on the pocket could be Talon, but for the most part by that point they had switched to the Talon branded oblong dangle-thing. It's just as likely to be unbranded by a different manufacturer in a similar style.
I'd say you're right on with that top right diamond pull. Here's one I just picked up.Talon pocket zipper styles. Can anyone pin down some more definite dates on these? The dates I have are of the jackets they're off of, with the dating based on other factors.
Top row, with Talon branded slider. 1930s Ball pull, 1930s ring pull, 1940s/1950s diamond pull
Bottom row, with round instead of rectangular attachment to slider. 1950s Ring pull, 1960s/1970s modified ring pull, 1960s/1970s teardrop pull