I have no idea what season I am
I think I might be in between seasons or something. Most people say winter because of the high contrast between my skin and my hair, but I find that many winter rules do not apply to me, although others do.
I think altering my hair color makes me change season pretty definitely, with black hair I look like a winter, and with red hair I look like an autumn. I used to get compliments on both hair colors, but I decided to go natural several years ago. With natural hair I really don't know what I am
My skin is very pale although I can tan pretty much (honey, but I don't) and my skin undertone is ivory, not very warm but definitely not cool. My hair is a very dark, neutral toned brown, not quite ashy though. My eyes are darkish olive. The most flattering color for me is emerald green. That is the only one I get any compliment with. I look awful in orange (any hair tone), most blues (especially with red hair, although petrol blue has always been nice). But I can wear golden yellow (?). I think I look awful in white, so much I have nothing and cannot show you
I think it accentuates my undereye circles a lot. I only wear ivory and cream for light colors. It may be in my head though
I think I cannot wear brown close to my face (it was better with red hair). Some people say purple is nice, but if it is not very jewel toned, I think it washes me. out a bit, and so does powdery pink. I hate bright pinks (cool) on me, but that may be just because I don't like them
or viceversa... Does any of this make any sense? 
Ok, pictures. I think this is the most flattering colour item of clothing I own:
Possibly best for eye color.
Oh and the picture wearing yellow...
I could post some more pics but my website is acting up.
I think altering my hair color makes me change season pretty definitely, with black hair I look like a winter, and with red hair I look like an autumn. I used to get compliments on both hair colors, but I decided to go natural several years ago. With natural hair I really don't know what I am
My skin is very pale although I can tan pretty much (honey, but I don't) and my skin undertone is ivory, not very warm but definitely not cool. My hair is a very dark, neutral toned brown, not quite ashy though. My eyes are darkish olive. The most flattering color for me is emerald green. That is the only one I get any compliment with. I look awful in orange (any hair tone), most blues (especially with red hair, although petrol blue has always been nice). But I can wear golden yellow (?). I think I look awful in white, so much I have nothing and cannot show you
Ok, pictures. I think this is the most flattering colour item of clothing I own:
Possibly best for eye color.
Oh and the picture wearing yellow...
I could post some more pics but my website is acting up.