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Career changes, anyone? Stories, Advice, whatever...

Cousin Hepcat

Practically Family
Thanks all for the inspiring / encouraging stories - glad to hear so many other folks are, have been, or contemplate being, in the same boat. :)

matei said:
Just one question though...
What does P.A. mean?

What's a PA: (if anyone else's curious)

A PA is a Physician Assistant. It's a step down from full-fledged MD Medical Doctor in pay & responsibility, but an exciting field. PA's are one of the fastest growing job markets, and gaining more autonomy: there are many branches forming which I'm reading everything I can find on to consider possible directions, including Surgical PA's, Emergency medicine, etc. They're being used more in both private practice & in hospitals (which I'm currently interested in). (watching lots of "Trauma: Life in the ER" on TLC) Honestly, it's a thousand to one shot that I would be able to get accepted to a PA grad school program on first try, but I'm going for it like it's a done deal, and if not, got a backup plan to approach the same destination another (slightly longer) more sure-fire route.

Matei, you're right about it requiring a lot of consideration for a career change! "don't make the same mistake twice".

Brad, first college at 30, that's Great! Been there once myself, I'd imageine it would require much more courage if I hadn't. Hats off.

Barry: Congrats on your change too! Sounds like you've Definitely made the right choice this time :) Wednesday's almost here...

Caledonia: What an inspiring response, thanks for sharing all that, that was a Lot to pour out! You have more courage than I. But suffice it to say, there was a short time for a couple months, before my current job, where I had a similar "journey" (spell?). I did find out what it's like to run a home-based business for a short time :)
It's a real compliment to know you're that comfortable with us all here. Sounds like you've put so much into your current path, it's bound to all work out great for you from here on.

Rosie said:
Since you say you don't have a family to support, this is the best time to do something different. I started life as a graphic designer, set dresser, prop mater and now I'm a teacher. I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about getting out of this, (I'm 28). If you're not happy doing what you do (and remember, you have to work 40+ hours a week, that's A LOT of your time) you won't be happy generally. The investment that you are putting in, with going to school, is very small compared to the benefit you will be getting for the rest of your life. Go for it guy, it's way better than thinking, I should have... , if only I would have...for the rest of your life. Just my
Rosie, pretty much everything you said, was my exact line of thinking. Kinda scary ;) Glad to hear it from someone else too. Mom was a teacher by trade; she ended up getting "squeezed out" into substitute teaching. When I graduated from college & got a good I.T. job, some 6th graders stole her pocketbook, took the credit cards & car / housekeys, and threw the rest in the trash... convinced her to stop :) My job's good enough to keep the bills & house payments paid till I can do better.

Scotrace, same to your response: I'm going for it while the going is good.

ITG, good luck this upcoming year, teaching seems scary these days...

The Reno Kid said:
My sister just graduated from medical school at Northwestern in May at the tender age of 48. She was a housewife before that (and a banker before that.) How's that for a career change?

magneto said:
...I offer my congratulations and encouragement on your change...I also stopped working in I.T. (except for a one-off job here or there) to get my B.A. and now am applying to law schools...well, everyone I know who has left I.T. to do something else (from the chef, to the repairman) seems happy and succeeding...perhaps because you have perspective "the second time" and are actively choosing something you really want to do...
Thanks Magneto; yes, choosing something you really want to do has everything to do with it. I.T. was NOT the best choice for my personality type in the first place (so said a personality test I took this spring, but pretty much had figured it out). Gonna get it right this time :)

Senator Jack, thanks, I took a free test (Stanford-Binet, was it?).

Retro Grouch, congrats on taking that huge step and having your own business, glad to hear your customer base is solid, wish you luck.

Swing High,
- Cousin Hepcat


One Too Many
Ahhh... Physicians Assistant - interesting!

Good luck! It sounds like a good idea, and you would be helping people who really need it.

I.T. can be really unfulfilling...


Practically Family
Port Chicago, Calif.
Of course...

The gratification of helping the hurt and injured is so much better than that of "I fixed the mail server so you ingrates can send 200 MB vacation pictures from your work email account to everybody in your address book" :)


I'll Lock Up
In 1999, I left engineering. There were frequent layoffs, so financially, I just felt like I was spinning my wheels. It was so dull that I was growing old before my time. There isn't enough money to get me to go back to it.


One of the Regulars
Never too old

Hey folks,

Here's a motivating story. When I was going to school I knew a Professor of Archaeology. He got his Ph.d when he was 54. When I knew him he was in his late seventies, and he was still going on digs in the Middle East.

Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
Im changing carriers from professional student to unemployed. :D
Im an artist, not starving yet, but one none the less.
The thing is Ive never wanted to do anything else. Ive wanted to be an animator since I was 9, so when people would tell me to think about another field, Id have panic attacks.

Now the quest is to be able to do it for a living. With everyone and their Mama with a computer, and photoshop, it seems quality traditionally trained artisans such as myself get lost in the mire of 'learn art in 24 hr' school marts.

So Hepcat, I admire you. 30 isnt old by a long shot, it isnt even middle age, hell, the fact that you HAD a career and are changing it at ONLY 30 makes me feel hopeful :D

Good luck to ya,


Cousin Hepcat

Practically Family
Lady Day said:
Im changing carriers from professional student to unemployed. :D
Im an artist, not starving yet, but one none the less.
The thing is Ive never wanted to do anything else. Ive wanted to be an animator since I was 9... With everyone and their Mama with a computer, and photoshop, it seems quality traditionally trained artisans such as myself get lost in the mire of 'learn art in 24 hr' school marts.

I'm thinking "Pixar": There's got to be opportunities in movies, maybe even just starting out with TV commercials for local businesses (a friend of mine who's really into filmography paid for his first real expensive digital camera, the same one Spike Lee used for one of his later movies, that way!) - You obviously have a real love for the art and that will shine through above & beyond the "mire of 'learn art in 24 hr' school marts" - You could create a buzz by creating some kind of free cool new "online sitcom" with regular installments like a real small scale of The Simpsons & get execs' attention (something I actually briefly considered between jobs, before seriously "soul searching" for a new career path) - I really don't know anything about the industry so have no idea if these ideas are good or not lol Good luck!

czack said:
Hey folks,

Here's a motivating story. When I was going to school I knew a Professor of Archaeology. He got his Ph.d when he was 54. When I knew him he was in his late seventies, and he was still going on digs in the Middle East.

That's what I like to hear! :eusa_clap

matei said:
...It sounds like a good idea, and you would be helping people who really need it.

I.T. can be really unfulfilling...

magneto said:
The gratification of helping the hurt and injured is so much better than that of "I fixed the mail server so you ingrates can send 200 MB vacation pictures from your work email account to everybody in your address book" :)

OHHHH, Matei & Magneto... don't get me started lol One of the biggest reasons for the change.

Paisley said:
In 1999, I left engineering. There were frequent layoffs, so financially, I just felt like I was spinning my wheels. It was so dull that I was growing old before my time. There isn't enough money to get me to go back to it.

Yes, and yes. Hope you're finding something else you enjoy.

Thanks all for the comments. I really am gonna have to spend less time on the lounge when the fall semester starts up in a few weeks here though :)

Swing High,
- Cousin Hepcat


One Too Many
Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, NY
Cousin Hepcat said:
You could create a buzz by creating some kind of free cool new "online sitcom" with regular installments like a real small scale of The Simpsons & get execs' attention

- Cousin Hepcat
That's a GREAT idea Lady Day!

Aaron Hats

Does it matter?
I made the change for my 34th birthday.

I was a manager of high tech call centers and riding the wave of big raises and stock options. I received a few more promotions at the same time my wife was making a very good living as an executive admin to CEO's and CFO's.

Then a layoff and 9/11 happened. This prompted us to start acting on our dream (instead of just talking about it) of building our dream vacation home in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. In late October we bought the land and in January we put a deposit on a log home kit. Construction began in July '02 and finished January '03. We started going every weekend and after three months we kept asking ourselves why we can't live here full time. The answer was simple "no jobs". We knew we would have to be self employed. Luckily the real estate market was booming and having owned our home in Mass. for 10 years we made out quite well in selling it. Within a matter of two months we started Aaron Hats.

So not only did we change careers but we moved to a different state. Talk about stress. Nothing will push you to succeed more than the threat of having to move back to Massachusetts and live in an apartment. ;)

Cousin Hepcat

Practically Family
Rosie said:
Cousin Hepcat said:
You could create a buzz by creating some kind of free cool new "online sitcom" with regular installments like a real small scale of The Simpsons & get execs' attention

- Cousin Hepcat
That's a GREAT idea Lady Day!

It could be something vintage inspired with 1930s-40s scenery & style: Take what you know & like and run with it... maybe even featuring a character based on Billie Holiday! :eusa_clap

I'd been wanting to do this for some time in the style of the 1986 movie Round Midnight (set in 1959), which that filmmaker created as a document for the world to understand how much he loved jazz music, and it really comes through BTW (great movie!!)... like "Cheers" but in a jazz club in NYC in the 40s or something, showing the weekly trials & tribulations of a group of jazz musicians & their admirers, struggling to "just get by", racial prejudices, funny scenarios, hilarious put-down matches & painful life-defining moments, etc from reading about the lives of real musicians... just one of those "would-love-to-do" ideas that I can't seem to fit into this lifetime [huh]




I'm sure you have many great & entertaining original ideas, we'd be eager to see something!

Swing High,
- Cousin Hepcat

Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
Cousin Hepcat said:
It could be something vintage inspired with 1930s-40s scenery & style: Take what you know & like and run with it... maybe even featuring a character based on Billie Holiday! :eusa_clap

I'd been wanting to do this for some time in the style of the 1986 movie Round Midnight (set in 1959), which that filmmaker created as a document for the world to understand how much he loved jazz music, and it really comes through BTW (great movie!!)... like "Cheers" but in a jazz club in NYC in the 40s or something, showing the weekly trials & tribulations of a group of jazz musicians & their admirers, struggling to "just get by", racial prejudices, funny scenarios, hilarious put-down matches & painful life-defining moments, etc from reading about the lives of real musicians... just one of those "would-love-to-do" ideas that I can't seem to fit into this lifetime [huh]

I'm sure you can come up with some great & entertaining original ideas, we'd be eager to see something!

- Cousin Hepcat

Well thanks for the encouragement guys, Ill add it to the list of ideas, stories, and comics I already have on paper, in my head, and am working on :D
Ill see what I can come up with.


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