carebear said:Lincsong,
It isn't communism per se, call it by its proper name, totalitarianism or tyranny. This sort of "society (us in power) will tell you what's best" comes equally from the right and left of the political spectrum. Calling it "communism" gives the totalitarians on the right who claim to be "conservatives" an out.
As for those who say "well, this should be legislated"; I challenge you to find one "reasonable restriction" that has not been used as justification to gradually increase state control over the individual. You won't be able to.
State control is ALWAYS evil. It ALWAYS results in increasing tyranny and lack of freedom.
There are laws against abuse. Those who abuse anything, children, animals or any personal freedom should be dealt with as individuals. Preemptive, "for your own good" legislation is the worst sort of arrogance.
Who are you people to say "Well, I'm perfect, it's those people who need to be controlled"? That is not only patently elitist, it is self-defeating. You give the government the power to interfere in what you disapprove of, history shows when "your guys" get out of power the next group will use your precedent to trample over something you view as a personal right or freedom.
The only way to be safe is to deal with people as individuals and keep the government out of our lives. Let the laws on assault and abuse do the work as needed.
Individual freedom is far more important, long term, than any supposed increase in safety.
Gee, you sound like an anarchist. No government But I will let you slide and figure you are more of a libertarian.
Your statement seems to have two weaknesses though. If you define spanking as abuse, then it would justifiably be outlawed. If you do not then it shouldn't. So you can't just say abuse should be outlawed, but x or y shouldn't. Because what if someone else defines x or y as abuse.
Secondly, this is not for your own good legislation. It is not speed limits or helmet laws. It is designed to protect children. Agree or not, you can not say it is protecting someone from thelselves.
Funny thing is, and I am sure you will agree, is that Liberals fear the government and want it out of their lives in temrs of surveylence, and other intrusions, but they wnat it to be active in other people's business, nd conservatives, on the other hand, want government to leave them alone in terms of gun control, business restrictions, interference ewht the free market etc. but do want the government to intrude in other peoples lives in terms of government surveylence of radicals, abortion restrictions, exportation of democracy, etc.
Everyone wants the government to leave them alone and tell everyone they don't agree with what to do and not do. That seems to be human nature.
I guess libertarians don't, which is why they kind of fit perpendicular to conservatives and liberals.