Just in case we're in any doubt about who's behind B-B: http://whois.domaintools.com/blockbilt.com
Just in case we're in any doubt about who's behind B-B: http://whois.domaintools.com/blockbilt.com
blockbilt.com is owned by simmonsbilt.
block-bilt.com is "private".
Well, I don’t. My jacket went to Greece for repair twice in six months.
Anyone find anything about the "famous" designer, Hiroshi Watanabe? All the theories aside, the only thing that makes sense (and I'm not implying that things always end up making sense) is that this is a soft launch with more publicity to follow?
The Block-Bilt website references the "Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on 25 July 2003." See, http://www.block-bilt.com/site/terms.php . The 2003 Electronic Communications Act is UK law. Therefore, Block-Bilt is almost certainly a UK company.
Block-Bilt states that its name is copyrighted. However, my very quick search did not uncover any evidence of a copyright. Perhaps someone else has better access to the records.