So, I have just bleached my roots, and my hair gets lighter and lighter (love it
) And when my hair gets lighter, my face seems to get paler (also not bad, as long as I use blush other wise, I look boring...) and since my eyes are brown, they seem to pop out (yes, I just love myself lol ) But I wish I had even darker eyes, I just love the contrast! Now I thought, baaaack in the days, ladys used belladona to make their iris bigger..... Can this cause damage? Is it dangerous in anyway? Since belladona is poisonous, isn't it?
Call me crazy, but I would love to try it! (my eyes are quite dark, so it wouldn't be so obviouse and I wouldn't look like I'm on drugs...
Call me crazy, but I would love to try it! (my eyes are quite dark, so it wouldn't be so obviouse and I wouldn't look like I'm on drugs...