Thank you so much, MissMissy and Miss Bella Hell! I'll be doing plenty of reading here myself...
I have sensitive skin, oily skin, bad nerves, and huge pores
Trying the almost all natural route to cleanse (after all, I am getting older and I really want to protect my skin) which seems to be working all right. Considering that fact that I've had bad skin since I was about 10 (!), and I've joked with my dermatologist that short of a major operation (I'll be a man! lol ), there's really not much else I can do. Honey is a great purifier/moisturiser/cleaner, but a little sticky (as has been mentioned before), and milk (OK, powdered milk mixed with water) is an interesting cleanser/toner - but I only use these during my weekly facials (corn meal is my scrub as it's round, compared with the jagged chunks that other stuff comes in). Daily stuff used is from Lush, it's a coal tar soap - great stuff, worth the price for me.
Besides, at my age, I no longer "do" the pill! lol
Thanks for all of you're advise and postings!! :eusa_clap
I have sensitive skin, oily skin, bad nerves, and huge pores
Besides, at my age, I no longer "do" the pill! lol
Thanks for all of you're advise and postings!! :eusa_clap