
Gee, I don't know Maj.Nick!Maj.Nick Danger said:Maybe so, because if you watch those films, there are no stars in the sky over the "moon". Shouldn't there be at least a few, given the fact that the moon has no atmosphere?
Atticus Finch said:... think that the 1969 moonwalk was faked, and they think that professional wrestling is real.
Twitch said:... Big Man- only The Rock was real![]()
MrBern said:dummies.....
looks like Nasa lost th original magnetic tapes of the neil armstrong moonwalk.
Even worse, they were a high quality version that the public did not see.
But you can get a dozen hi def versions of starwars on dvd....
hatted said:Of course the lunar landings were fake. The astronauts actually came through a stargate.
Mike K. said:I'm sure the guys from Apollo I would appreciate knowing they suffered a fiery death all so NASA could stage an actual moon landing.
irb said:Personally, working in the industry myself and having encountered enough of these people, I no longer find it all that funny. Would you believe that there are people out there who believe that the Apollo 1 fire was a human sacrificial offering to the Egyptian gods?
I'll say this in defense of the Apollo program: if NASA had faked it, wouldn't the Soviet Union have been the first to point out the incredible lie being hoisted upon the workers of the world by the imperialist capitalist juggernaut?
hatted said:Well Lady J, I'd prefer to see Vala or Teal'c come through the stargate, but I'd take what I could get.