Isn't it funny how most of the anti baseball cap crowd like to complain about people not being tolerant of them wearing fedoras?! :doh:
I don't see what's so offensive about the baseball cap? And even if someone can't stand the sight of them (for whatever strange reason), they should show the respect and courtesy they expect to receive in their headwear.
as one of the anti baseball cap crowd... I don't think that baseball cap wearers are not tolerant or any jazz like that. I just think that it is a rather pointless piece of headwear. If I were in a position to influence (not control, influence) style and what the everyday man wants to wear, I would push for something more practical, specifically something that has a brim all around. I hate getting sunburned on the back of my neck.
That said, I am a bit of a hypocrite, since I do like flat caps and 8 panel caps, which are equally impractical.