Thanks preacherman. Not to get too mushy but my wife and I have lost three children to miscarriages so this is super special to me. Tim knew that and he made a fantastic hat. I feel this hat is sort of two fold. It celebrates my daughter nd remembers my lost ones. It may sound funny that a hat can do all that but it is true because Tim put his heart and soul into the hat.
...Makes me extra appreciative this Thanksgiving and holiday season. Also, those custom hats are so authentic looking-just classic. I'll have to show mine off when able. Just not happy with how hard the felt turned out with my custom. Are these hats similar in softness to vintage hats or are the customs hard like mine?
Tim, I'm very impressed with your work, AND the decency you've shown here. Thanks!
Hey Historyteach24,
Condolences on your three kids that didn't make it. My wife and I went through something similar with twins. I've been through some rough stuff but losing a kid is the toughest thing I've ever gone through. Congrats on your daughter! Girls will drive you crazy but are lots of fun!
I have two VS hats that I had Art make for me that are dedicated to the two we lost and I've found that it's a great way to remember them.
Monte, so far each of the hats I made were 100% beaver, that felt is somewhat stiffer yes....but I did dry crease those hats with ease. The hat I posted for History Teacher is a staple Hare body, definitly softer,like some of my old lids, but again, dry creased in that photo, it shaped so easily.
I could be wrong, but based on the context in which he used "softer," I think by softer he meant floppier - in which case, yeah, rabbit felt does tend to be floppier, seeing as it is less dense than beaver.
Tim... something about this photo just keep bringing me back.
I like the 'vintage' take on it.
Mike, I was meaning in regards to the stiffness, soft was the wrong choice of words.
The staple hare is not as stiff.
And thank you very much for the compliment!
Hare is staple